an awesome quote for neurodivergent folks, courtesy of Whiskey.

It's something I very much relate to and thanks to Plurk and a number of painful/embarrassing incidences, I've become aware of my tendency to be like this. It's been a struggle, but I think I've (mostly) learned how to reframe how I share information in a way that is hopefully less obnoxious and seen more as enthusiasm and a love for sharing info.

Whether you're someone who DOES this, or know someone who does it, it's good to keep in mind that folks who are neurodivergent can't help how they're brains are wired and sometimes aren't even self-aware enough to know they are this way. If you're ND, be gentle with yourself and if you're neurotypical, please try to be patient with folks who are ND.

I have no idea where my brain falls but I do this too and honestly it's how I relate to people, it's not that I just want to talk about myself, but sometimes I feel like if I don't have something relatable then I am just forced to ask questions and then I run out and then I look like I can't hold a conversation because I can't. Also I have anxiety.

I just get called pedantic

: I think a lot of people fall on the spectrum of nd, it's just some are more on one end than the other. Women tend to mask/adapt a lot too because of gender norms.

: I mean...