that CoViD-19 is getting out of control again in England with the premature unlocking despite the Indian variant and not having completed vaccinations.

Oliver Johnson on Twitter

Covid-19: UK in early stages of third wave - scienti...

that lots of young adults do understand the importance of getting vaccinated and rushed to Twickenham when offered the opportunity. They apparently queued for hours and shouted down the anti-vax, anti-maskers who only went there to protest.

I met a 15-year old last weekend who thought there was no real prospect of people his age being able to get vaccinated. I was surprised because I think it will be offered to them within a few months.

he was not reluctant to get vaccinated at all, even though some experts are raising the ethical question of whether it would be right to offer children the vaccine when there’s nothing much in it for them. Perhaps long covid risks make it worth it though.

they definitely have offered the vaccine to some teenagers in some places (including the testing cohort of course).