[meme] how physically fucked up do my characters get in canon...
first of all and probably overall worst for his health, he was definitely hauled off to a lab as a newborn baby to have a chunk of zombie meat grafted onto his heart
it's not graphically delved into in his canon exactly how they went about chopping up a baby but there is at least some physical component to it since that is literally the corpse meat of some young adults from a millennium ago and the individual zombie pieces need the vital functions of a host body to start coming alive again
it didn't affect his physical development as far as anyone can outwardly tell including him, but out of all the products of those particular imperial science crimes his fusion with the zombie meat is the most complete, meaning they're closer to one being than two once they stop fighting over the body. it's fun!
part of their brief fighting over his body involved mutating him into a giant monster via zombie magic overload, and the bleedover from that magic may or may not destroy his insides over time like it did more rapidly with several of the failed experiments, leaving him extra physically susceptible to further dark magic influence and/or the plague. also fun!
he's dead by the age of 26! it's just great all round!
the physical component of all of this extends as far as fucking up his daughter's health too after he dies which is extra great
baten kaitos world fucked just because sagi was horny
in addition to that he's a jrpg and specifically a jrpg who spends the first 40 hours of his canon unable to win a single fight that isn't against a run of the mill jrpg monster so he has definitely had the shit beaten out of him and been thoroughly exhausted more times than is really healthy
he has very vividly experienced being stabbed to death by a robot while time travelling and mentions having a wound from it afterwards, it's very unclear how hallucinatory the stabbing is but i kind of like to think the wound itself is left over from the tank that shot him in the chest while he was a monster and didn't heal properly when he reverted
he was uninjured from an airship crash landing once but the pilot was pretty good (unlike him probably) tbf
he also jumped off the top of a large clock tower once without flying because of a dare and survived without fucking up his legs for the rest of the game, and he sticks his hands into briars without caring in order to do fetch quests for little kids... he's fairly sturdy honestly, if not for the whole dying young thing
he could just probably do with not putting it to the test so often everything happens so much.