Year of the Cat
.................My Postmates order has been so delayed it went from an estimated arrival time of 1:00 to 2:10 A.M. WHAT. THE. HELL?!

Year of the Cat
Keep in mind this is a normal eating time for me since I work midshifts, it's my last meal of the day, so a small dinner before I go to bed, so I'm used to receiving food at this time.

Year of the Cat
I've only ever once had an order delayed this long and it was because McDonald's had their order system break down and I wasn't looking at my phone so my driver couldn't contact me, so the good soul waited there for half an hour until it came back up and got my food for me when he could have cancelled on his end and done more orders instead.

Year of the Cat
If there's no driver available, then they need to give me the option to cancel, but if I do so right now, I'm gonna lose the money.

Year of the Cat
Grrrr.......I'm a little steamed right now. And hungry.


Year of the Cat


has it arrived yet at least?

Year of the Cat
They FINALLY canceled it! Jeez, IDK whether to order something else or what. It's an hour and a half later than I planned to eat as it is. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, POSTMATES!!!!!!!!!!!


Year of the Cat
Gonna try to order something else from a different order app cause Postmates is FUCKED right now.



Year of the Cat
I reordered on DoorDash and IMMEDIATELY a Dasher claimed the order to go pick up. POSTMATES, YOU HAVE SOME SPLAINING TO DO!!!!!

Year of the Cat
Granted, I've worked as an Instacart person before so I know how if you don't have enough people in the area orders can go unfulfilled for a long time, but STILL. If you don't have enough staff to fulfill orders, take the damn restaurant off of the ones you can order from!

Year of the Cat
Arrival in four minutes. THANK GOODNESS!!!!


Year of the Cat


Year of the Cat
Alright, ate my last meal, gonna discuss possible cars to buy or lease with my sister, and then TO BED.
