Ooookay, got Dirk's TL up for the Fourth Wall. It's not CLOSED closed, but please... talk to me first so I don't wake up to like 11 tag-ins and get overwhelmed dsknlafmasd
I'm so so flattered by how much interest there is in him every Fourth Wall... but I am extremely disabled and I can't hug every cat do every thread....
There's no priority system btw... not-even-in-the-game people are slightly less likely to get picked just because I'm TRYING to build up his CR pool... but new CR, close CR, whatever CR.... it's just sort of what I think would be easy/fun/CR-cultivating in a way I'm into........... I'm sorry I NEVER WANTED TO LIMIT LIKE THIS
Reupping this partially for the benefit of it being noticed and partially to note that if anyone needs an explanation for what the fuck his power is doing and will do, I totally forgot to include my usual OOC disclaimer/explanation so uh feel free to inquire here
Although they're friendlier than they were at the time we had that idea, so idk if exactly how Dirk is gonna use his narrative powers to mess with Claude has changed any or not
i should probably say i still very much want fourth wall shenanigans with dirk but i'm not sure how it'd go considering the other thread we have going on fdgfxd
He's not MAD, to be clear. He's just... listen, he doesn't have his audience, he doesn't have his canon. Claude inadvertently invited himself in to Dirk's situation AND he's got his nose in Emet's business...
Honestly Homestuck has had a permanent effect on media during and since its heyday and that's not a value judgment, it just IS. Personally I think it's phenomenal and I like the ways it's impacted storytelling and stories, but
Dirk would have to pick a dad... who Calamity won't destroy on sight, but otherwise, sure, he knows a Breeder. (He's... dating that Breeder. It's Hythlodaeus.)
hug every catdo every thread....