yeah, i thought her race was more on her hair being blue. i guess she really is part alba. then shin is from the empire then? i can't see him having alba blood. if i had to guess: "white pig"?
Her hair being a tad bluer might be the result of her being mixed race. As for Shin it's easy his other blood is more dominant than his Alba blood (just like IRL).
then shin is from the empire then?
i can't see him having alba blood.if i had to guess: "white pig"?
-not so sure about that. i guess we'll see in the later episodes.
There's an ethnic group of Alba that actually has bluish hairShin
No Alba blood but he's mixed raceanju:
not pure enough.shin"
he's an imperial citizen then.Probably not a case of being pure but perhaps you can compare her race (Adularia) to "Redheads" IRL since they're not as common as blonde hairIt just happen that the Alba (silver hair and eyes) make up most of the population compared to Adularia (silver-blue hair)basically a case of the city people how the ethnic people look. wait. they don't like anyone outside their city.