: omg... first off. i just love the way he looks he is very flashy and colorful UM lets see He looks like he'd be like a bratty playful sort. Like IM GONNA CAUSE SO MUCH MISCHIEF and possibly maybe the type that just wants to see the world burn, not because he hates the world, but because chaos is fun....
I cant go off of your types because i dont know your types lmao BUT HE LOOKS LIKE hmm like he's a shy boy. A SHY QUIRKY BOY WHO HELPS THE PROTAGONIST maybe
He's a servant vampire (Ser-Vamp) so I guess he kinda helps and along with his Eve (their handler) he kinda does do the thing now and again lol. his name is Doubt Doubt and he is a GOOD BOY D<
He's a quiet guy who mumbles when he talks and dislikes his bags being messed with. Really I think Tanaka just didn't wanna draw another face all the time LOL
LOL Doubt Doubt has his moments, he's a great character. He's not like a main main character but he's often there IMO. << Can I show you one more husband from there?
Alright tell me about husbando 2
Bonus fluffy hair image
He certainly is full of a lot of feelings lmao and is technically a teenager.