‿︵‿︵👻 BIZ
Interest check: I've been thinking about training to run a 5k mini-marathon by August to benefit Asian communities impacted by COVID. It would just be me running, but would any of you be interested in sponsoring me? For every 1k milestone, I'd be looking for a small donation, and all money would be donated to a crowd-approved charity.
‿︵‿︵👻 BIZ
I just want to be able to do something tangible in memoriam of a friend.
'o' hell yeah
wo ai ni ★
Hugh Following
i want to support this but august is cutting it close for a couch to 5k style program and you've had days lately you've been in so much pain you can't move at all, i'm worried about you injuring yourself.
does it have to be one in August? i'd work yourself up to 5k more slowly.
‿︵‿︵👻 BIZ
ȡ𝓲𝘴ą𝘴𝓽є𝓻 : COMPLETELY VALID CONCERN. I've spoken with my physical therapist. Since I regularly walk a three mile loop at least twice a week, I do have an established baseline, but I need to start ramping up the physical activity lest I lose the rest of my muscle mass.
‿︵‿︵👻 BIZ
2019 Muscles: Glorious. Strong.

2021 Muscles: wah i hurt myself opening a jar of peanut butter
yeah running is just much harder on your body than walking, it's high impact /fuss fuss make sure to keep your therapist in the loop and listen to your body as you train
Nin in JJK hell
Nin in JJK hell
but also please do it safely and in a way you won't hurt yourself!!
I will sponsor but please take care of yourself.