July, July
[the Harry Potter fandom] https://images.plurk.com/4q8KjSsuUCBCRgsnrplSJl.jpg
July, July
this isn't as bad as some things from that fandom, but... people, just... c'mon.
...okay but how is mudblood hard to parse out
you have unclean / sullied blood in the eyes of the Wizard Fascists who don't think wizards and witches should be fucking humans
"So it's a slur but what if we made it a worse slur" is a thing that does not need to happen ever
does religion even come up in hp?
From what I can remember I think the closest any of them ever got was that they mentioned Christmas being a thing, but even that's more or less a regular holiday these days unless you actually include any of the religious bits (which I don't recall HP doing at all)
July, July
6LilacMimeLions : a single Bible verse in the last book on the Potter graves and Christmas existing.
okay so it's the background noise christianity just about everything written by christians has
why are you thinking about religious slurs, random hp fan?
July, July
oh and Sirius being Harry's godfather.
July, July
So, pretty typical white middle class British vague not-yet agnosticism.
go rimbaud
christianity has been a dominant religion longer than english has even existed
I mean if you were REALLY reaching you could also include the whole Harry being a chosen one figure, but I mean. That's common to like, ALL myths.
July, July
6LilacMimeLions What really gets me is you know, the lumping of Christians and Jews together because you know what they're really thinking
July, July
and just
Everything said by the first person reeks of the usual "poor oppressed Christians" that evangelicals like to harp on about even though exactly none of them live anyplace where that's a thing.
go rimbaud : how do you say mudblood in fake latin
☼ zinnia
They do know that racism is really based on... nothing, right... there's no reason to have a history for a slur of all things
July, July
Nox : Yeah, with a splash of antisemitism which purple just jumped right onto.
me playing the harry potter lego games and getting to the goblin bank like
July, July
☼ zinnia : probably not, even though that is one of the few things Rowling did a good job at hammering in in the books, while failing incredibly at it in many ways in general herself.
☼ zinnia
No kidding
July, July
So it's just super special to be presumably wanting to write fic/worldbuild for a fic in HP and decide "you know what! time to come up with a anti-religious-based reason for this slur!"
ghost lecturer
what really kills me here
ghost lecturer
is the walking RIGHT UP to why the goblins are antisemitic
ghost lecturer
and not getting it because you're not thinking about this as an authored work
July, July
miles you ass
miles you ass
ghost lecturer
they're SO CLOSE and yet