So fun fact! The Pinya you see in games is usually not the Pinya I started out with, Bar Syn!Pinya who was allowed to come in with all her twists and turns haha. OG!Pinya is part of a Multi-Wol Canon with @/dragoonrouge, @/coopyey, @/floralunaria and @/TTsunny to name a few!
She's the Tactician and Information Broker of the group, and generally doesn't believe that she's worthy of the title of WoL ((because self esteem issues!!! fun!!!)) but she works hard to make sure her friends wont for nothing to the best of her ability.
She has the habit of taking everything unto herself, to the part where she will get overwhelmed and crash if someone (usually her wife, Monx) doesn't catch her
Rice chose her name upon arriving at the source, having forgotten her 'original' name (Spoilers, Rosa was her chosen name, as she is MtF!) and after learning a few things from Pinya and Monx, decided that she liked the 'blankness' of Rice, it's simplicity, and yet how it was strong and powered many people through the day
She's a voidsent from the ruined world of the 13th, and broke through to the Source when our merry band of adventurers threw wide the gates to confront the Cloud of Darkness. Upon crash-landing in Mor Dhona and stumbling her way towards Gridania, Monx found her by tracking her errattic and powerful aetherical signature
Rice was taken under the Blackmage's wing and was taught how to glamour her appearance so that people wouldn't try to kill her on sight. She wanted to learn about what had happened to her world and decided to travel for a while, occasionally coming back to Monx and Pinya's abode to rest and tell them news of the realm
Elyra Whitewind is an Elven Sorcerer of the Divine Soul, a DnD char of mine! She is a slight, pale figure with long pink hair fading into blonde and bright green eyes.
Her skin is scattered with light freckles that reflect the constellations of the night sky on the day she was born, and they glow brightly when she channels her powers and during significant celestial occurrences like Eclipses and alignments.
Elyra grew up as a priestess-in-training to the goddess Selune, as her family has done for generations; except instead of having her clerical powers awaken when she came of age, a far wilder form of magic appeared in her; Sorcery.
She had never been one to revel in the secluded, rigid life of religion, and so took this as her chance to go and really explore the world as she wanted to.
She is a slight, pale figure with long pink hair fading into blonde and bright green eyes.