Stereo Nacht
Two out of three sides of the garden bed are plastifiée and filled. But it's so hot with the sun, not sure I'll do much this afternoon. Maybe a nap, cause I woke up super-early, and couldn't go back asleep. I may transplant and sow a few things in the parts that are done, though.
Stereo Nacht
I hope you are all having a great day!
Stereo Nacht
I was good, I think. I went out when the guy came with the last load of soil. Might as well plant my blue sweet corn. Oh, I have to water abundantly? But my outside spout is finicky, and the hose doesn't reach the garden anyway.
Stereo Nacht
Well, I have a watering can I can leave to fill while I do something else... Like put on some more plastic on the part that doesn't have any yet. A little more than half done now. I'll see if I feel like finishing that by the end of the afternoon.
Uff da!