Pumpqueen Fall
Catch-all plurk plus gonna sleep again but first Everyone blame Zero
Pumpqueen Fall
100% Zero's fault he is going around saying "Magic is for nerds >:|" until someone tells him wtf nerd is and why not to use it
Leanne No
oh god that thread! XD
Pumpqueen Fall
Which also might not even happen because people who know just tell him "You're a nerd" and he's like "So it means badass "
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He had rescued him before and carried him up the cliffs and was all "Magic and hell aren't reaaaaaaaaal"
Pumpqueen Fall
But yes he adores Zero she gives no fucks
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Dragoon I forget the TDM thread now, but what was Rose & Nobunaga's first intro? (LOL)
He was caught in the vines so she tickled him to get him down.
Pumpqueen Fall
Thought so (LOL)
And unlike Mitsuhide, Rose has no problem saying how she got him down.
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
oh no
Pumpqueen Fall
Nobunaga might try to cover Zuko's ears
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Nope he's just like "I have no idea what she's talking about >>"
It's text so he can't cover his ears~
Pumpqueen Fall