Luke Skywanker
Okay fam: I still don't have a full-time "real" job, and my mom is going to be living in an RV while my dad and little bro hike the Continental Divide Trail.

Should I join her for like, the summer?
Luke Skywanker
or do I need to watch Nomadland first?
lol nomadland was a great film, so i recommend it anyway. but that also sounds fun if you enjoy prolonged close proximity living with family! (i love mine but i couldn't do that lolol)
Luke Skywanker
I lived on a boat with them for three months
Luke Skywanker
I'm innoculated!
oh that's right!! my god time flies lol
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Yeah it was ages ago
Luke Skywanker
last year
Luke Skywanker
But I'm at the point where I need to turn down gigs I'm being offered if I'm going to do this
Luke Skywanker
(Which sucks, but you know. Better than getting boxed in or canceling after committing)
Luke Skywanker
Obvs if I get the movie movie, I'm doing that!
spicy mycophile
if you can stand being in that close proximity with her again, go for it
Thicken Nugget
Thicken Nugget
you lived being with them on the boat trip and cool
do it