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[covid] now that more people are vaccinated the cdc is saying we can do away with masks and i'm like bRUH
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yall really trust the people in this country do you guys remember where you are
waffle party ๐Ÿง‡
they're trying to incentive more people getting vaccines and instead it's going to make more people lie about having gotten them
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this announcement is gonna bite them in the ass
wicker stan
no cdc donโ€™t kill us all you're so sexy :/
wicker stan
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I'm still floored tbh
people are paying like... $500 for fake vaccine cards so they can not get it like bruh.
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i'm not gonna lie i thought they were smarter than this
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Have... have y'all not been paying attention to what's been happening the last year and change
wicker stan
I donโ€™t know why but I thought so Rota
i knew it was hoping for too much, but i was kind of hoping masks would like... take hold
wicker stan
wicker stan
every cold and flu season everyone where i work gets sick because guess what
sick shits bring it in, and pass it around
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guess i'm not gonna be going maskless for a while. even if i am vaccinated
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i'm not taking my mask off for another year i swear to god ioahdhid
but this year... somehow, by miracle, NO ONE GOT SICK
i plan to keep wearing mine indoors in public as an "i care about other people" signifier
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Right, I work at a public library and sick patrons absolutely bring shit in and spread it to everyone else because most of them can't even be bothered to cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I am most definitely keeping up with masks, I enjoyed not getting sick this past cold/flu season on top of the COVID protection
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yeah, i work retail and people have legit pulled thiers down to sneeze or cough and i.... yeah
juliette lives
how...how do they think masks work
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my allergies have also not been as bad as they have in the past
why are people
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
yup. Had to have security confront a guy browsing who kept pulling down his mask to blow his nose into the same tissue
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i had to sneeze in a store today and i sucked it up and did it in my mask. yeah it's gross but the point of the mask is to stop... spreading...
juliette lives
I just hope people stop being idiots about not getting their vaccines asap.
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its fuckin nasty feeling to sneeze in your mask but whatever man
juliette lives
I like the reassurance that the vaccines are effective enough to protect even without masks, but I would rather be even safer til the numbers are super low and have stayed that way.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
i'm currently riding out dose 2 side effects and if this mild covid symptoms, anti-maskers and antivaxxers are even bigger assholes than i thought they were
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i just think this announcement could've waited till like, the end of the year or something
(and i thought they were huge assholes)
waffle party ๐Ÿง‡
the end of the summer, at least
juliette lives
Yes, it has taken the edge off my panic that vaccines are super effective!!! But oh my gooooood please, we're doing okay at long last, can we please, please keep it up.
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every time i start to feel somewhat hopeful about things again... nope
best case is this turns into the flu
juliette lives
I really hope that vaccines are going to continue to outpace dumbassery.
juliette lives
you get your covid shot every season and cross your fingers
fortunately the mrna vaccines are amazing and the turnaround time is so fast we might actually be able to get ahead of new strains
the pfizer vaccine is showing the same effect against the south african strain as it is against the basic strain, so that's encouraging
juliette lives
I also hope they stop hitting like 8 tons of bricks if we need yearly boosters but honestly I'll take a day of feeling sick.
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and i believe that they opened the patents finally, for them to be made in other countries as well
juliette lives
juliette lives
things are getting better!
god, this has been invading my dreams
the other day i dreamed i was having to explain vaccine distribution to people
can't i just be naked on the bus or something, brain?
juliette lives
we just have to continue to be responsible humans
if anyone's an enamel pin person, dissent donates half the proceeds from their vaccination pins to vaccine education programs
i'm considering grabbing one of the "i'm vaccinated" ones for my purse
juliette lives
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oh, i'm gonna share that in the pin discord i'm in - that's rad
they also have keychains and t-shirts and stuff
but yeah
juliette lives
I like the little "thanks, science" syringe
they also do bulk discounts if people wanted to do group orders
i really like the "i enjoy not having polio" one
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okay but the syringe earrings are dang cute
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I was starting to feel like maybe I was crazy for still wanting to be careful, and basically not change anything once I hit 2 weeks post-second shot tomorrow, but y'all have reassured me I am definitely not the only person feeling that way
this last year has exposed just how many of our neighbors are gullible, assholes, or gullible assholes, and most of us are still reeling
wow, you won't agree to be mildly inconvenienced for 15 minutes in an effort to keep people from dying horrible deaths, that's just lovely
as someone on twitter said and I've adopted: "Still gonna wear mine, don't want anyone to think I'm a Republican"
god, right?
time to embroider "I'm vaccinated but polite" on a bunch of masks
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"vaccinated but polite" lol I love it
sorry, i just do embroidery (LOL)
I ate out in a restaurant for the first time in over a year today because I needed to celebrate some things including being fully vaccinated, but also because when that news hit I was like lol if I'm gonna do that I'm doing it now before everyone goes back to doing everything completely normally all at once and this gets worse again
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i've gone and ate in the food court after work on occasion and yesterday went out to lunch with my mom and sister for the first time in. ever. both are fully vaccinated and we're all still being as careful as well.
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i definitely understand that reasoning tho
StupidSexyVโš der
ngl i go maskless when i am pumping gas now because I'm always paranoid about spilled gas because stupid motherfuckers around here SMOKE WHILE PUMPING GAS but otherwise....yeah no
I pull mine down between getting off the bus and getting to my office bc it's a mile walk and I'll overheat, and the chances of me running into someone is v. low (and I'll see them coming and be able to pull it up)
but like the half mile from my house to the train? Stays on.
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i walk to work and a lot of times there's not really anybody walking around me so i'll take mine down but put it back once there's people near
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also how stupid do you have to be to smoke while getting gas oh my god that's asking for trouble
The smoking around gas thing, no o.o
And yeah, I've always tended to have my mask off when I'm walking outside if there wasn't anyone nearby. The park I walked in a lot had signs up about masks, but there mostly weren't a lot of people in the park, so I just put mine on when I happened to pass by someone.
But I've really tried to avoid taking it off inside anywhere public even briefly and the idea of eating at a restaurant has not been one I've been okay with personally until today