放一下暴風系的描述,但越看越問號……?我有ㄇ Storm Writers Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone.
You are able to show your readers a universe where everything’s okay, and even if it hurts it’s okay, because being sad is a feeling that deserves to be felt. (中略)You are the storm writer, but you’re able to build beautiful reigns of ice and snow, and offer comfort to the ones who seek it.
望月_臺灣鯛生態研究員 : 但我測的時候覺得我寫的沒有很虐ㄅ 所以有點出乎意料
那々歌♪non-stop : 測驗內容有題目是選擇題材,然後看到「主要角色死亡」跟「敵人變情人」我秒想到提球wwwww
不過我沒選午夜三更上弦月 : 凍傷系聽起來真的蠻微妙……?擅自想像成雪和冰晶之類的,感覺跟暴風合作會變暴風雪(蛤
我有ㄇStorm Writers
Writers of the storm, the rain, and the snow. Angst is your element. You mastered the art of making it hurt, in every way. That quiet hurt of a smile on a crying face. Your words whisper to the lonely ones that they’re not alone.
You smile in front of your enemies, and puff in their faces the smoke. You like to see them cry, like to see them suffer.