Character mothers! Mostly Virgil for obvious reasons
The only person Nos could even call a relative is Zurg, and he's very condescending and jokey about calling him Dad. He was built to do a job, that's it. Lots of effort and skill and determination was put into his building, he has outclassed his creator, that's all there is
Virgil on the other hand had Vivienne
She was very nice, if downtrodden. She definitely had the smaller voice in her first marriage and was mostly the raise-the-girls-do-the-chores role holder but she did love and do her best by Virgil. She wasn't really allowed to step in and help him when he got beat up but she was there to help clean him up afterwards
She taught him to help in the chores and fix things and he liked helping out. She was a sweet and comforting mom and they bonded mostly through taking care of his sisters and helping to keep the place with five kids in working order
He attributes most of his skills to her anyway
Vivienne remarried a few years after her first husband and Virgil's dad died, to a long time family friend named Hugo. He had two sons to add to the family as a widower but they got along really well and it was a much more fair and even relationship
Vivienne is basically the whole reason Virgil has a backbone or any morals to speak of as things are
Egon has conflicting reports on his mom but I generally like to agree that while his mom was marginally more affectionate than his dad, the whole family is largely science-obsessed repressed weirdos. Science good, self expression fine, just be logical and methodical in literally everything you do
and he was the unhinged one in that family
so an emotionally distant and not very affectionate but incredibly strict and efficient mom
wicker stan
;0; virgil
he was lucky to have a good mom...