alright, gonna write down some plans for starters here so I can find them again tomorrow when I have more time
IKEA log:
generic starter describing Bugsy's living space, of course, but I'm also gonna try and tag into the others, and have a tag for good good ms mojo cuddles of course
IKEA log:
generic starter describing Bugsy's living space, of course, but I'm also gonna try and tag into the others, and have a tag for good good ms mojo cuddles of course
soup kitchen log: might be funny to have bugsy get caught eating some scraps, but otherwise I don't have a lot to necessarily add here
arcade is gonna be mostly a pass, Bugsy is not a fan of any kind of gambling, he knows too many hobgoblins to not know how the house fucks you over
record store is gonna be where most of Bugsy's engagement is. He's gonna be grabbing as many EPs as he can fit under both arms for sure for sure
Mrs Sheepie
when you get bugsy's TL up gil will probably tell him about the empathy thing
Hell Yea Hell Yea