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Who wants to hear about some ~FGC drama~
bitchin camaro
parks here
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so there's a guy named Infiltration
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a south korean Street Fighter player, one of the best in the world
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and he organized a very cool idea, a Beginners Only Tournament
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for players who have never been in a tournament to dive in
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and everone was like oh that's fun
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until the actual purpose of the tournament was uncovered
Princess Emily
actual.... purpose....
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which was that one of Infiltration's friends lied about his history to uhhh infiltrate it
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and sweep the tournament easily
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as a way to basically farm prize money out of the players
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he said he set the tournament up to, exact quote,
bitchin camaro
yeah this sounds exactly like what the fgc would do
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"take from the bottom-feeders"
what the fuck
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anyway if you feel like this guy doesn't deserve to be dragged as hard as he's being dragged, he also went to court for beating his wife
yuri duty
that escalated quickly
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so shitting on Infiltration is a victimless crime
bitchin camaro
it would have been a victimless crime even if he weren't a wife beater
bitchin camaro
but that does make it the morally correct thing to do to drag him
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what a shithead
See this is why Killer Initiates has the right idea
which is a tournament for Killer Instinct beginners
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where the first prize is
being banned from all future iterations of the tournament forever
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