Luke Skywanker
[cats] Whelp. Taking Tilda to the emergency vet...
Prayers for the little lady
oh no, I hope it goes well D:
Luke Skywanker
Just... four days of vomiting?
Luke Skywanker
not great
oh no!!
Farm Goblin
oh gosh :-( sending u and tilda love and good vibes
Oh no. :-( I hope it's just a touch of upset and they can settle her tum for her.
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
got turned away because she's not like, about to die at this moment
Luke Skywanker
I can't see my vet until Friday. she's not eaten for four days.
Farm Goblin
omg :-(
Farm Goblin
does she show any interest in food at all? i can tap my animalpeople hivemind to figure out something to try and get food into her
i heard you can try baby food for cats
Luke Skywanker
Farm Goblin : oh yeah she's very hungry
Luke Skywanker
I've tried a bunch of stuff. She eats then throws up.
Farm Goblin
gosh :-(
Luke Skywanker
I found another clinic, but I'm worried they won't find anything
if she doesnt eat its dangerous :-(
Farm Goblin
my gut says this is indeed emergency, and i would say try to get her in with a diff vet tomorrow. like calling around first thing in the morning. is she dehydrated?
Luke Skywanker
But even if she's otherwise responsive she can't keep going like this
Farm Goblin
is she drinking or using the litter box? also if a phone call would be easier let me know and i will chat with u
Luke Skywanker
yes to both
Luke Skywanker
another reason I was holding off
Farm Goblin
how quick is the vomiting after? kinda gross question but does it look digested or just chewed?
Luke Skywanker
less than half an hour, undigested
Farm Goblin
it''s sounding like a hairball blockage, if the food isn't making it into her stomach but she is hungry
Luke Skywanker
Farm Goblin
she's keeping water down though yeah?
Luke Skywanker
she grooms a lot
Luke Skywanker
eh. she's thrown some water up, kept it down yesterday
Luke Skywanker
kept some kibble yesterday too, so idk
Farm Goblin
are you offering full meals still, or just a lil bit at a time?
Luke Skywanker
just a little bit
Farm Goblin
is kibble or squishyfoods?
Luke Skywanker
I've tried both
Luke Skywanker
I thought kibble was working but today it is not
Farm Goblin
Luke Skywanker
she didn't come to bed last night and that is odd
Farm Goblin
i am conferring with The Council (ie atm there's 1 vet and several rescue folks and lifeliong cat owners online)
Luke Skywanker
do you still think this is an ER thing
Farm Goblin
normally i'd say yes, but if u just got turned away, i'd be wary that another would turn u away as well. it's 100% a vet asap thing though. if you can find a non-emergency vet that will see her today that is great, otherwise first thing in the morning
Luke Skywanker
oh no I'm at the other location where the wait is 3-4 hours
Farm Goblin
Luke Skywanker
I can't get to my vet until Friday
Luke Skywanker
So I should probably just do this
Farm Goblin
hm. if you can handle the wait and the cost, if it was me i would stay, because i would feel like shit if she didn't make it through. BUT i also have some suggestions on feeding and comfort, that could help
Farm Goblin
i can help you find a different vet?
Farm Goblin
the suggestions i got is, catlax which is a hairball thing that helps them pass hairballs (its pretty cheap, undre 5 bux usually), and to give her super watered down wet food so its like soup basically, which should help her get calories
Luke Skywanker
I can handle it, even if I don't want to. Like I worry I'll spend the money and they tell me the same thing lol.
Farm Goblin
they might, but they might also be able to DO something about it besides catlax. they prob have something htat can make her vomit it up instead of help her digest it
Luke Skywanker
right, right. I'll stay. I'd rather know for sure.
Luke Skywanker
That's good info tho, thank your team for me I really appreciate it
Farm Goblin
big hugs. we got u, if u get sent home without seeing someone and want to run more stuff by them or just chat, feel free to call or text in case i dont see it on plurk
Farm Goblin
i will be ur on-call vetinary hivemind go-between
Luke Skywanker
you're so good, thank you!
You got turned away? So odd! When Tea had a similar problem they totally took him in, gave him fluids and did blood work and gave him anti-nausea meds. Call around, I’m sure there’s a vet that can do all that at least.
Luke Skywanker
They said they were full and it was all critical care stuff
That's the only time I've had an issue: When they simply didn't have capacity.
Luke Skywanker
Yeah it's an emergency but it's not AN EMERGENCY
Luke Skywanker
like right now she's purring and exploring the car
Come to think of it, I've never actually been turned away. I've just been told that I might have to wait, like, ten hours.
Luke Skywanker
oh yeah that is what they actually said
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
See this is why I wasn't worried for a few days, she's otherwise "fine."
juliette lives
this is actually an emergency, cats can quickly get serious problems from not being able to eat for as little as two DAYS (eta not hours). wtf your emergency vet.
Luke Skywanker
Well I think it's reasonable to tell me there's no space for ten hours
Luke Skywanker
I mean if there's no space there is no space, they just diverted me to their location downtown
juliette lives
oh okay, so they referred you to another one, I didn't gather that
Luke Skywanker
I probably wasn't clear
juliette lives
yeah a few hours is fine in that case
Luke Skywanker
She's breathing and still active, I'm not worried worried
juliette lives
she'll be okay if she's seen today, it can just be really hard to get them to bounce back if they do damage to their liver from not eating for a few days.
Luke Skywanker
mmm, gotcha
I mean, in my experience the emergency vet tends towards "look the animal isn't actively bleeding, back of the line," hopefully you get someone to see her soon
Luke Skywanker
ok that was faster than that said, she's in now!
Active and interested in what's happening around her is always a good sign.
Luke Skywanker
She's a willful being.
Farm Goblin
very glad she's getting seen, fingers crossed!
even if it's nothing, she could benefit from a little hydration I bet
Luke Skywanker
Ok so, they don't know what it is, but didn't seem like SO WORRIED I needed to do every test yet. we got fluids, and anti-nausea. of she CAN throw up thru the drugs, then they said be worried
Luke Skywanker
If I can't get her eating little bits of food with this, then ultrasound tomorrow.
Ahhh, hopefully this takes care of it
Luke Skywanker
Trying to decide where to pick up the hairball stuff
Luke Skywanker
Farm Goblin
petco or petsmart should have it
Farm Goblin
did u ask them if it would be a good idea?
Luke Skywanker
they don't think it would present suddenly at this age
Farm Goblin
gotcha. i mean she did lose her 2 best buds recently and stress can cause overgrooming? but also it prob is best not to risk an interaction between the catlax and whatever nausea meds they gave her
Luke Skywanker
Good point
Farm Goblin
so maybe skip for now, but if it turns out to be hairball, get it later
Farm Goblin
did they do an x-ray?
Luke Skywanker
No. they said it was a poor tool for this sort of thing so only useful if desperate, and if I need a test I should wait for the ultrasound person tomorrow
Luke Skywanker
I def appreciate that they didn't upsell me
Farm Goblin
Farm Goblin
yeah that is good. it def seems like throat or pre-stomach thing is going on
Luke Skywanker
I think they're hoping treating nausea and dehydration will allow her to start keeping food down
Luke Skywanker
thank you so much for talking me through it!
Farm Goblin
no problem <3
Luke Skywanker
If I can't get her eating little bits of food with this, then ultrasound tomorrow.
good luck yes
Jingle Witch
best wishes to her
Luke Skywanker
thanks y'all
Luke Skywanker
So far, so good. I still don't like not knowing what's up but she kept her little bits of food down yesterday and was her normal "wake up so I can sit on your chest" self this morning.
Luke Skywanker
we'll see if this continues after the serenia wears off
We never did learn what was up with Tea. Cats are like that sometimes.
Farm Goblin
so glad to hear she's doing ok, fingers crossed this was enough to help her get past whatever was going on
Farm Goblin
how she doin?
Luke Skywanker
Still seems normal!
Farm Goblin
Luke Skywanker
Farm Goblin
doing the important work of making sure you don't float away
Luke Skywanker
the faceplant kills me
Jingle Witch
so sweet