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may ...
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past week+ anxiety and depression have been teaming up to kick me in the head so i feel like i've fallen off the horse again already orz
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i neeeed NEED NEED NEED to make an actionable gameplan for edward's committee bullshit
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part of which will have to include him reaching out to... many... people about it
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which will take care of may's AC by itself LOL
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i keep coming up with network posts to make for him but then i end up too busy with all his projects to do them rip
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if i remember / understand right, may should be breach month??? edward's first breach
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he already hated being overboarded for port. he's not going to enjoy breach, either
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... i have zero plans. my entire plan for april was to get kyoko doing stuff on the network and that did NOT happen
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i did okay on AC but i desperately need to reply to her threads... motivation has just not been working
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hits it with a wrench
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this is not an issue i have with so i guess i need to figure out something for kyoko to get involved in
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i just... have no idea what... and i'm still skittish about talking to people
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i wouldnt say edward is ambitious but its a huge difference between mr old man who wants to fix sit and half-lazy and unmoored teenager
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(edward is BEING ambitious but ambition is definitely not one of his traits, i'd argue)
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anyway if anyone has anything in particular they want to grab edward for pls lmk
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(i know i dont have a lot of people added on plurk)
both of my boys really need to interact with/meet Edward (preeetty sure Fives already has, however briefly and only over the network, but Shen Wei hasn't at all and neeeeeeeds to)
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fives showed edward the enclosure! so they did meet up in person on one occasion. and YES he and shan wei need to finally meet
no special plans but Edward is on Larry's very small non-shit-list rn lmao
Lark has 100x more ambition than the typical ambitious person don't you worry, Edward
Idk if Edward/committee thing or no but Connor is going to start funny writing things down about The Barge as a whole and start investigating them
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oh man edward wants in on that. i type while crying quietly
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and edward is gonna be talking to norton, that thread has started
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and thats gonna be where he's gonna try pushing him. so WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS
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Boo👻Berry : the ambition thing is so funny because like... edward clearly worked very hard to get where he is in life, and goes above and beyond to do the work right, but he doesnt have the constant drive. once he's comfortable he doesnt try to keep pushing the ceiling, doesnt want for more, etc
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on the barge he just... wants to Fix Shit. and that requires a lot of drive and ambitious action
Lark's biggest issue is getting people to Do Things. He has all the ambition in the world and he has a minimum of three plates spinning at a time, but on the Barge he can't just give orders, he has to get volunteers and it's very difficult for him
The Barge is a very complacent place and it drives him nuts
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what is especially funny is that if lark tried to give orders to edward in a non-crisis situation he'd get a response of
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so (LOL)
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lovingly. but still
GOOD lmao
but yeah Lark respects Edward too much to even try that route
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it would be such a "lol dude what are you even doing" response
Edward does things he doesn't need Lark to steer him and Lark loves it!!
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lark like "I AM NOT A HERDING DOG"
I can picture Edward's face
HE IS NOT THAT IS CORRECT stop being sheep, people!!
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i really need to decide how to go about setting up the committee thing ooc and ic
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like... ic, edward would want to start by approaching specific people, getting them on board, asking who else they would think should be on board
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ooc, i dont really wanna like... lock... someone out
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like he's gonna open network post about it eventually but he wants to present initial members when he does that
He and Lark should chat about it, Lark has some ideas and he's spoken to a few inmates about what they would trust, and to wardens to see what their ideas are
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yyyyyyyy, it might be easier to handwave it too and just exchange the info ooc
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since ideally i'd like to get the ball rolling this month even if its later on after the event
Lark veers away from set committees as a whole because a) potential for hierarchical corruption due to b ) rapid turnover rates, which could leave one "veteran" member with undue sway
but he has an idea for how to get around that
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yeah, edward is wary of A but is not sure how to handle B
so yeah ooc discussing could work!
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sweet. i'll make a dedicated plurk for it when i have the brainspace, hopefully sometime before the start of next week
Mami will bring her to the meeting and help her find a role?
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ooooo, yes pls
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she'd be willing to get involved with pretty much any team, too
Discretion Advised: 18+ Content before I forget Lark would share this convo with Edward as an example
that it's more about large-scale training and support, rather than creating a full-fledged committee
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"But if we could get a majority, or even just get some of the most influential people involved, that would help. It could even create a shift in the culture here that would carry on and influence new wardens as they came in." YEAH this is what edward is thinking
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they cant get everyone and they cant expect to get everyone
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but they dont need everyone to create a shift
this is why Edward is his buddy X-(
his buddy
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/territorial wolfy
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the last thing edward's crush needs is to find out lark's getting territorial over him LMFAO
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just, "oh no."
I love it and also feel so bad for poor Edward how these things conspire to make things worse
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ikr (LOL)
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i, personally, am deeply living for edward's incredibly doomed crush
waves at
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anything you habe i mind?
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i was thinking how we should figure out like, handwavey things for them to do in a hanging out fashion
zhongli would want to study and understand technology i think
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edward can only help so much, but him discovering that while he's been able to skate by and make do, this is still a hole in his knowledge base, could lead to like... offering to study it with him
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"what the fuck is this shit" study buddies
also edward getting to know zhongli affinity with stones and metals... it might be interesting cause most tech is made from that
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i had another char (not zhongli) who could interface with usb ports and stuff like that because he's got affinity with data storage as a concept (not necessarily using metal machines, his construction used different materials)
so like i was thinking instead of looking at computers using monitors, he could look directly inside the data stream if it's stored in metal, but of course it's very basic compared to using a screen
lol, just gonna point out someone tried to set up a warden support group for this kind of thing a couple years ago, don't remember who, and I'm pretty sure got shouted down as a naive idiot and nothing ever came of it
a couple years ago
yeah they did, but they were also going for a more structured arrangement and everyone in the barge likes to think they're too cool for that shit. gotta go at it subtly!
also maybe the barge has evolved since then!
I mean yes. maybe it has
a couple years is a WHILE
anyway I'm interested in how it plays out regardless of whether it succeeds or not
new characters, new takes! it's always worth a shot and i'm excited to see what happens
I am too, it's been a lot of fun working it out
should note in not as cynical as my character about it, lmao. Lark is doing it despite believing he'll get maybe two people on his side
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yeah, i'm friends with someone who was in the game ages ago and she said that trying to IC organize never went well
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but it also sounds like its been a while??
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i am admittedly kind of nervous bc i've never... organized anything like this in a game before. i dont wanna mess up on an ooc level orz
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so like, if anyone has any particular... ooc organization suggestions... pls pls pls
oh definitely
very interested
nah, it'll be great, whether it works out or not
it'll be interesting and give a lot of hooks for development, and maybe this'll be the time it actually flies
sorry, didn't mean to drop that and disappear, life decided to life at me
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no worries at all <3
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i appreciate everyone's encouragement ;;
definitely wasn't meant as a 'this'll end badly, don't try', just a heads up this HAS gone badly (IC), so prepare for all outcomes :-D
i'm def in this boat to try and see it through though zhongli isn't a very good person when it comes to convincing people haha
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edward is basically going to try to reasonable businessman at people about it
Shen Wei will absolutely be interested, he likes organization and structure and goals and tasks
(as far as ooc planning goes...I've never organized anything on this level so take everything with a grain of salt, but I'd say keep communication lines open [and esp be mindful of people not on plurk, etc] and talk to people about what they want to get out of it/how it would serve their characters)
(I always find one of the trickiest parts of plotting is balancing, like, what characters would do vs what parts of that are fun/interesting to play)
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yyyyy, i've been considering maybe making an open ooc post? once i get a general idea of what kind of structure to go with
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'cause i know i dont have the whole game added on plurk
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maybe setting up a kind of like. optional questionnaire ppl can fill out for prompts on what to think about covering what they want / what their characters would do / etc
YEAH that sounds really good (also people love questionnaires)