cass 🐅
AMA i guess? i'm cass, she/they 37 year old sentient pile of salt, former pharmacy technician and sociology graduate student but currently unemployed
hh ♫
ooo what made you decide to go into sociology?
cass 🐅
hh ♫ : GOSH well. I started off with media studies and i hated it cuz it was basically just learning stuff i already knew, then i switched to international studies and..... honestly didn't like it, but then i took soc 101 and just LOVED the class and the teacher and everything about it, so when i came back the third time (a story of laziness)
cass 🐅
i decided to go with sociology and it was the best decision of my life
cass 🐅
I went up to get my bachelors and minored in asian studies so i got to do both things i wanted to do
whats it like being a pile of salt
cass 🐅
drowninginpears: MY WILDEST is working during Hurricane Sandy/after, my town had no power for a WEEK so we had to write everything down and keep meticulous records and it was probably the most stressful week of my life between that and i think school too
cass 🐅
lazdo : its not so bad, i can season food easier this way
cass 🐅
additional story: I never had any really wild customers but my boss was hit or miss (for context: this was my first job). so my mom got super sick and i took her to the doctor and he was like yeah uh take her to the ER, and my mom insisted waiting for my dad so i was like ok, let me call out
cass 🐅
my boss was Not Happy and was like but i need you HERE and YOUR DAD CAN TAKE HER CANT HE? to which i was like IF HE IS NOT HERE IN TEN MINUTES I'M TAKING HER
cass 🐅
and we went back and forth until he reluctantly was like ok but COME IN IF YOU CAN
cass 🐅
he was a huge asshole about it and at the time i was already thinking of leaving
cass 🐅
so inevitably, i called after hours and quit by leaving a message on the answering machine :'D
cass 🐅
fast forward a few years and where did i end up, back there
LOL tasty
hh ♫
OH NICE wrt how you got into sociology!! aw man i'm glad that worked out for you? it's always nice when you kinda stumble into a passion
cass 🐅
YEAH my college years were...... not the greatest in the beginning but it was either sociology or history (both profs were just superb) and sociology let me dabble in that a lot regardless