Fri, Apr 16, 2021 3:46 PM
Fri, Jul 9, 2021 6:09 PM
contextualize 置於特定背景中加以考慮
reparation 補償
unmitigated 不折不扣的
apogee 巔峰
gussied-up 美化了的
reverential 可敬的
the south enacted new draconian law that makes it nigh impossible to legally divest yourself of slaves.
contextualize 置於特定背景中加以考慮
reparation 補償
unmitigated 不折不扣的
apogee 巔峰
gussied-up 美化了的
reverential 可敬的
the south enacted new draconian law that makes it nigh impossible to legally divest yourself of slaves.