Shorts produced through Cartoon Cartoons will vary in length and subject matter, from character driven and comedic narratives to experimental animation, for a variety of audiences spanning preschoolers to adults. [...] The program will be open to artists and producers of all experience levels from both inside and outside Cartoon Network Studios.
also they're supporting diversity organizations, including one for Black women, women of color and nonbinary creatives of color, and one for young adults on the autism spectrum
"Wow, I loved Cartoon Cartoons as a kid. It really did springboard a lot of talent that might have otherwise been ignored during a post-Disney Renaissance era -- UNCLE GRANDPA???"
Shorts produced through Cartoon Cartoons will vary in length and subject matter, from character driven and comedic narratives to experimental animation, for a variety of audiences spanning preschoolers to adults. [...] The program will be open to artists and producers of all experience levels from both inside and outside Cartoon Network Studios.