Lynx and Paint
[Alphys] She’s got some odd behaviours that I’m not entirely sure about

Lynx and Paint
Like, after meals she tends to sit on her rock with her mouth open for awhile

Lynx and Paint
Internet says that’s often used to regulate body temperature, but then would that apply after eating, too?

Lynx and Paint
Maybe eating a bunch makes her hotter?? IDK

Lynx and Paint
She also occasionally does this thing where, like...she tilts her head up, closes her eyes, but then her eyes also bulge out like a frog’s, and she makes a swallowing motion a few times

Lynx and Paint
I have no idea what that means

They can't digest food unless they're a certain temp, so that's normal

And the eye bulge is normal for shedding, which she'll do a lot as a baby

Lynx and Paint
Okay, glad that is normal! I was worried it was maybe a too much food thing

Lynx and Paint
But yeah after eating she always plants herself on her basking rock for awhile, so must be trying to get that right temp


Lynx and Paint
And yeah, she just shed again today!

Lynx and Paint
She honestly gets so active when shedding! Jude scrambling around the enclosure and rubbing against everything

Lynx and Paint

Thx everybody!
itchy dargon

Lynx and Paint
Very itchy!

Sliding just to say I'm enjoying all I'm learning about beardies by reading these Alphys plurks. I mean, I'm always here for pet pictures and stories, but the incidental education is great, too.

Especially about a type of pet I have no experience and familiarity with.

Lynx and Paint
it is a bit scary since I have no experience either, but it is nice to learn all this new stuff, too!

It looks like you did you're doing great.

Lynx and Paint
hope so!! ;o;

Lynx and Paint
does seem like she's still eating and pooping and resting regularly, and she's also getting more used to me holding her, although she does still tend to wanna jump after awhile

Lynx and Paint
I think she may be a climber...she spends a lot of time on top of her hammock, and when I'm holding her, she's taken to trying to climb up my shoulder

Lynx and Paint
she's also definitely growing! Looked at some pics of when I first got her and it was like WOAH she was so much smaller and skinnier even a month ago