So I'd love to play a long-term shippy PSL type thing eventually, but I also don't mind screwing around on memes if anyone has a good one? Still just using Adela's account for the moment, will update if that changes
but yeah it'd seem pretty on point for her to offer a place to a displaced kid, though she probably did warn that marine training was really hard and she wouldn't have to decide to enlist until she was older
I still like the mental image of some moron trying to punch her, Adela obviously uses her arms to shield herself, and suddenly the moron is punching solid iron rock at full force I would not be shocked if there were fractured fingers
... and also the mental image of one of the higher ups watching this because Adela would likely have literally only spoken when asked to and suddenly she's somehow curious enough to approach Smoker and starts opening up and adjusting better
you think Smoker knew about Haki and how to use it pre-timeskip? I'm asking because if they're both training at HQ I don't see why they wouldn't train devil fruit users in particular so they don't go into the pitfall of overreliance on their fruit
also trying to figure out if she's from one of the blues or an island on the grand line... I kinda want to say she's from south blue simply because we don't know a ton about it
... maybe Adela's home island being on the Grand Line still works. If it's not affiliated with the world government there probably wouldn't be any hurry or pressure to return her home unless affiliation happened later
and then it's her worst nightmare when her father the king of a newly affiliated country shows up at Levely and she happens to be assigned and it's a shitstorm from there
We could troll Smoker with a military ball type thing so that he's stuck with slightly older not!daughter (who has loosened way the hell up to the point of cursing casually and not being phased by the shouting anymore). unsure if we want to do the full skip to 16 so she can officially enlist and start learning things super fast (though she likely
Also he might get her a dog in between one of those because he had a dog as a kid and is like "It's good for growing up and protection and responsbility!"
oooh dog training could be a good one. If not all the way to 16... Maybe somewhere in the 12-14 range. also lmao in this verse she has no reason to be really scared of dogs so she'd adapt
honestly I'm tempted for Adela to have a dog that winds up being a big mutt rather than a purebreed though because a little more realistic but also just a BIG DAWG
... also I'm imagining there are definitely certain other marines they'd both encounter there, both ones they'd want to run into and ones they would not
and then it's her worst nightmare when her father the king of a newly affiliated country shows up at Levely and she happens to be assigned and it's a shitstorm from there