[COTD] are Zara, Sofia and Madison! (Julian's ex-girlfriends)
12 hours
CP Coulter
I think more than anything, Julian just feels genuinely bad about these girls. Only partly because of their "relationship" with him. But mostly because of the kind of stuff they're subjected to while he himself just sort of became their "boyfriend" and then when it was done, he was done.
CP Coulter
He's well aware of how much "easier" he has it compared to them. I mean, both Sofia and Madison are NOWHERE ANYWHERE NEAR the career level that he's in right now. And he still talks to Zara mostly because he's worried about her after the stuff he hears.
:-( Zara
Is she okay?
CP Coulter
Young female musician hit with the "best new artist" curse? No.
My poor daughter, I love her. I protecc.
Sorry I have to stop claiming your characters. It's just my language I promise lmfao
CP Coulter
He keeps trying to tell her that maybe it's safer for her to go make a career back in Europe. It's just...she's gotten into some bad situations in the US.
Nooooo!! :-( :-( :-(
CP Coulter
She's by far the ex of his that has it the "worst", Sofia and Madison are kinda trucking along one way or another.
Oh Zara. I feel so bad for her. I mean I feel bad for all of them but it def seems like she's struggling a bit. She's from Europe?
CP Coulter
Yea she's English.
Director Ham
CP Coulter : GORLS