Craftyviking new hobby alert. well. Dyer and I are helping out taking care of the bees at the farming coop we are a part of.
yesterday was the second time. we checked the hives, changed bottom pans and fed the one hive that needed some more food.
they are so damn cute.
that is so cool! I want a hive someday
...the suits are really not made for AFAB bodies and we need to find ones that fit lol
for a price
If you can't find suits, what you really need is anything loose and white/pale that you keep secure - a long sleeve shirt tucked into pants will do the same job. Obviously you won't be able to zip on the hood but that's really about reviewing your own level of risk acceptance.
for a price
(tip: a bee landing on you will always crawl upwards, so going up your sleeves or pant legs is a risk but not down from the collar so much)
Yeah, but the local beekeeper.... society? idk what to call it but they have some size options. They just don't... tell you the measurements of their sizes, so we might have to send an e-mail or something to figure out what to order.