Work also had to send out an email yesterday reassuring employees that they don't have to disclose their vaccination status, which is understandable, but it also means a not small amount of people who have spent the past year being coughed at by unmasked customers are... somehow OK with not getting vaccinated
I am just so fucking sick of this bullshit and it's truly making me wonder why I fucking bother continuing to mask when so many people around me just don't care
if I were you, I'd just say something like "you have the right not to get vaccinated if you don't want to, and I have the right to take my business elsewhere" if she says anything about it
Honestly I tell those people that I'll respect their use of the "My body, my choice" if they can point me to even a single instance of a woman spreading her pregnancy to other people via airborne transmission.
I really am thinking of finding someone new, but the problem is, there's no guarantee the next person I go to will have a healthy attitude about it, either
Dad stopped going to the barber he's been going to for 20+ years because the guy refused to follow any safety protocols and yet every time we pass, his shop is full
I had a moment of this where a coworker whom I otherwise respect took a day off to get her vaccine and I emailed her like "congratulations on the vaccine!" or something and she responded back complaining that she had to get it at all
"vaccine passports" like obviously people haven't traveled to very many places outside the US, vaccines for various diseases have been required for decades when traveling to certain countries
This particular coworker is an older conservative dude in a department full of left-leaning queer folks so at least he doesn't get much traction when he starts in on his bullshit
Nevermind that you can't catch covid from any of the mRNA vaccines because it doesn't have any actual virus in it, just bits of info about how your body can fight the virus! But blah blah Bill Gates microchip, blah blah 5G blah.
But hey, the "I can do what I want with my body" thing goes both ways and you can take your body STRAIGHT to another hairdresser
But hey, the "I can do what I want with my body" thing goes both ways and you can take your body STRAIGHT to another hairdresser