: 2020/2/25美國疫情還在剛開始吧?WHO甚至還在逃避現實不願意宣布pandemic,這樣好像有點不公允。川普十月總統大選辯論的時候還說了"I don't wear masks like him. Every time you see him, he's got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from it, and he shows up with the biggest mask I've seen" src:
yea exactly that's what i am asking. which one of my opinion is bigoted? i haven't lay out all my talking points - just the discrimination against asian
i also did not go around calling people names. some like trump some dont. it's just different opinions. those who like him doesnt mean they are racist. and those who don't doesnt mean they are smart ass.
I guess your discrimination against asian does not include things like higher rejection rate of college application. On the other hand you must believe either all asians are chinese or at least chinese should be the sole representative of all asians.
As an asian american I don't feel the term chinese virus has anything to do with me, and I welcome this because it further separate other asians from Chinese.
"i dont think the racist people know the difference between chinese and non chinese asian" Exactly, it is you democrats, who try to group all asians together and say all asians should reject the term china virus, are the racists. You just said that. Only racist people feel all asians are the same and when china is attacked all asians are attacked.
And here in Canada nobody dares to mix an Indian up with a Pakistani, why? Because they will get mad, really mad that you will have to face something serious.
: it doesnt matter tho does it. why are you so obsessed with identity politic. people can disagree with trump. doesnt mean they are bigoted. or left or right or republican or democrat. ok let me ask you, if i dont like trump, how can i present my argument to you so i dont appear to be bigoted
Wow now I just witnessed a person who claim "all lives matter are racist" while at the same time claim himself being a republican. I guess next time I can find a meowing dog.
Now the person who insist there is no difference among asian people and all should unite with chinese accusing others obsessed with identity politics. XD
I can see all this will be a waste of time but oh well: if you hate someone based on false information, ignore all inputs that's against your judgement, and try to dodge questions by hiding behind English cuz you thought others won't be able to comprehend--- I call that a bigot.
If you don't think all asian people should form one group with chinese why are you offended by the term china virus? The last time i checked, no vietnamese or japanese want to be mixed with chinese.
No, if you don't wanna be counted as Chinese, tell them yourselves, loud enough so that nobody will call someone a Chinese just because of his skin color.
I'm not seeing you posting a "fuck you Boudin" pic
How someone who claims to care about hate toward asian would ignore such news that SF district attorney saying killing asian was just "tamper tantrum"?
Only racists, who by definition only sees skin color, would dare to group taiwanese, japanese korean and all other asians with chinese and ask them to all share the sin and responsibility of china's wrongdoings -- solely because of the same skin color.
i am not offended by the term and on personal level i think it's appropriate. but as a leader he should know the consequences of this blowing back to the entire asian community. Btw, I am not ok with china chinese being attacked in US too. It doesn't matter if you are different type of asian.
So speaking of consequence, you don't see the consequence the dems trying to pack all asians with china? If one day there is a war between the US and china, all asians will be attacked as enemy people because you choose so.
i just dont have faith in racists americans knowing the difference. when they point their AR 15 at you what are you gonna say: "I am not chinese. dont shoot?"
On the other hand, using the term china virus does not have such consequence, because it is a good opportunity for all other asians to use this term accusing china and therefore let other people know they are not with china despite the skin color.
If you really want to see less crime happen to Asians, you will have to do what President Trump been doing and urging the Governors and Mayors to do: enforce the law, secure the border, ignore the entire "Black Lives Matter" "Identity politic" "Equity" bullshit, so law abiding citizens can live in peace!
You still don't see the difference? If someone attacks you because of your skin color and assume you are a chinese, it is that persons' mistake. If you stand with china then their attack is now justified. There is no zero risk route, but obviously mistakes happen way less than justified behaviours.
You did. By rejecting and smearing the term china virus and the use of it, you basically just tell anybody that any attack against china is a attack against all asians.
It was under the so called "critical race theory" that a Black people will slip away easily for robbing an Asian, just because you were considered "privileged" and he's "victimized", it's simple as that.
i am very curious who's going to stand against trump in republican primary. hope we will get the original republican party back. i guess we will find out 4 years from now. for now we just have to 'suffer' biden for another 4, if not 8 years
I do not wish to join this somehow biased discussion, but just to let you know, Alvin, I do agree with you for the most part. I also know it’s hard to explain the challenges of a minority in a country where the leader praised racism to those who lived their entire life as a majority.
: all good . As a republican Biden was obviously not my first choice but he did surprises me in a very good way. Let’s hope the nation heals from hereon
Heal up? The leftwing has done American wrong for years, suppressing public press, controlling internet forums, monopolizing medias, sending mobs known as Antifa to brutally attack anyone against them, and framing everyone disagree with them as "hateful" "bigoted", heal up for what? Nothing will heal up until they got what they rightfully deserves.
I guess in your dictionary healing up means setting up a concentration camp to re-educate republicans. This was exactly what they loudly urged right after they "won" the election. Now since you just said you are a republican, you are already on the list. Congratulations.
I am not exactly sure which country you are from. But no matter where you are, do you believe in any election one citizen should have only one vote and the identity of the citizen should be verified? If you believe so you are a bigot and racist according to Biden. Healing up?
2021: "Excuse me I am Taiwanese/Vietnamese/Japanese, I am not Chinese"
Is Trump an ass we need? Also true.
但帶頭不戴口罩,說這個病毒一點都不嚴重的是哪些人?在辯論會上整團不戴口罩的是哪個黨?不就是因為有人信了他們所以死都不戴口罩,疫情嚴峻的時候還是愛到處跑甚至開趴還覺得covid is a lie,所以不管哪個州政府政策如何都無法遏止疫情蔓延嗎?
再講亞裔歧視從來都存在的, 只是中共這樣子搞,結果反而令所有亞裔人都等同於是中國人,Trump 之前的政策反而是有機會把阿裔人士同中國人切割,減低破壞力呀
不過total deaths應該是很舊的資訊, 像NY實際上更新過後是5萬多死亡. nursing home deaths是1萬5
主流媒體怎麼帶風向就完全買單而完全不會自己判斷, 這大概就是填鴨教育的遺毒吧
2. So you do realized that your opinion is biased.
3. Because it is wrong.
he relays everything cnn claims
(cnn just claims that border crisis is a right-wing narrative, he is going to say the same
So easy to expose your true color, CNN echo chamber
Bullshit, I can swallow an alphabet soup and shit out a better argument than that!
You probably never called that out, because it's not important to you
It's so strange a guy feels so important about calling out racism to not know about this. I shouldn't need to tell you this accident happened
How someone who claims to care about hate toward asian would ignore such news that SF district attorney saying killing asian was just "tamper tantrum"?
2. 舊金山人選出的district attorney說一起黑人殺死亞裔的行為只不過是tamper tantrum
或許有另一個更大的原因是: 電視台沒了川普這個攻擊對像,然後拜登又是所謂的自己人,所以現在要找東西來拍了,就找華人問題來講,至於墨西哥難民那邊就不那麼重要了
All lives matter are racist, only Black lives matter
There is no wonder Asian attacked by other people, cause your live doesn't matter.
I also know it’s hard to explain the challenges of a minority in a country where the leader praised racism to those who lived their entire life as a majority.
我是覺得拜登/Harris 上任後沒有我想像中舔共
用對政治立場偏綠的台灣人最能理解的例子, 就是說三中. 你們現在說中天中時不可信, 是因為"你們從來沒看過他們報什麼, 但其他媒體告訴你們絕對不可以看中天, 因為他們不可信, 然後你就信了"嗎? 還是你們自己曾經轉到過, 然後看到這個台在那邊說"韓國瑜超帥, 神似湯姆克魯斯"然後你覺得這哪來的狗屁?
30歲這個世代的人, 記得阿扁當總統的時候, 各大主流媒體是怎麼照三餐攻擊扁家有多貪腐啊有多麼濫用權力的嗎? 像是知名的"沒有人行賄但有人收賄"以及"實質影響力"都是這個時代的產物. 相較之當時當市長的馬英九製造出和平醫院的慘劇, 還有下大雨淹沒捷運站, 結果反而責任變成"你只說是豪雨我怎麼知道有多嚴重"的氣象局, 導致後來新增一堆什麼"大豪雨""超大豪雨"這些名詞.
20歲這個世代的人, 記得主流媒體們是怎麼抹黑太陽花的嗎?
很多人都是遇到這種事情, 發現事實跟媒體渲染的大不相同才覺醒的.
這不就像是有人在眷村被打, 然後怪說被民進黨支持者襲擊, 要小英負責一樣吧? 動點腦就會發現媒體要大家接受的立場根本不合理.
(其實還真的有發生, 演員Jussie Smollett之前宣稱他在芝加哥被一群MAGA川粉爆打. 當時一海票人聲援他, 攻擊說川粉都是種族歧視者啊啥的. 可是當時就有人質疑了, 在芝加哥這個民主黨大票倉被川粉攻擊??? 後來證實他自導自演整件事)
他們是真的有辦法指出這些站的內容錯誤的地方嗎? 還是說是CNN告訴他們這些站的內容有毒絕對不能看?
經歷過那些時代的台灣人應該非常清楚, 當有人跟你說"那個OOO講的思想有毒, 我們絕對要封鎖不給人看"的時候, 你應該知道非常可能不是那個思想真的有毒, 而是他們怕你接觸到的資訊可能會讓你質疑他們要洗給你的思想
正確的說法應該是"那個OOO講的胡說八道, 看我老子戰爆他". 言論自由才有不同的立場衝擊的空間, 只要大家不要死龜在同溫層裡, 自然的就可以接收到各種不同的觀點, 並靠自己決定哪個觀點比較符合自己
1. "喬治亞州通過新的選舉法案, 規定選民投票必須要出示身份證件. 主流媒體在報導中都稱其為限制投票法案. 反對此法案的團體也說因為黑人都不懂得怎麼去辦身份證件, 所以要求他們在投票時拿出證件證明自己身份就是在限縮他們投票權"
這些團體宣稱黑人不懂得怎麼辦身份證件, 難道不是這些團體歧視黑人嗎?XD 要求選民在投票時亮出身份證, 為什麼會叫做限制投票法案呢?XD
實際上該法的內容是刪除原本的加州憲法第一條第31節. 而這個被刪除的條文是什麼呢?
ACA5本質上允許了提供教育, 服務, 工作的時候, 依據申請者的種族性別膚色等因素給予差別待遇. 啊 這 不 就 是 明 白 的 種 族 歧 視 ? XD
但什麼叫critical race theory大家知道嗎? 還是媒體將它說是種族敏感性的訓練, 大家就真的以為這個訓練是要大家要學習多元跟包容???
以下節錄自critical race theory的聖經, 作者Ibram X. Kendi,《如何成為反種族主義者》(How to Be an Antiracist):
這個理論本質上不正是赤裸裸的種族歧視嗎? 上面不也有人提到, 哈佛這類學校在入學申請上刻意歧視亞裔學生, 逼他們的成績要遠高於其他族裔的人才能被錄取. 這就是批判性種族理論的實踐啊. 他們說亞裔在社會上太有成就, 學業成績也太好, 所以亞裔屬於優勢族群. 而根據此理論, 要歧視這種優勢族群才算是對抗不平等
真的要說仇恨亞裔, 起源更可能是源自於這套批判性種族理論吧?
2月份舊金山一名泰裔的老人, 遭到黑人推倒致死. 舊金山人民選出的檢察總長Chesa Boudin說啊這個黑人只是愛發脾氣而已啦. 這個Boudin在一年前就故意縱放故意在唐人街攻擊亞裔老人的黑人. 結果主流媒體冷處理
上週2個黑人女孩拿電擊槍搶劫一個亞裔Uber司機, 造成他的車子失控車禍死亡. CNN的報導是"兩個女孩攻擊Uber司機, Uber司機行車發生意外, 在車禍中重傷"
亞特蘭大的那起兇殺案, 兇手說動機是性成癮, 而且這三間被襲擊的按摩店都提供性服務(AMP是專門講色情馬殺雞店的行內用語, 這種店都是亞裔開的, 價格比較低廉, 有些有涉及人口販賣). 媒體報導說"白人兇手屠殺多名亞裔, 白人至上主義造成對亞裔的仇恨犯罪大增"
可是這個暴力的印象已經深植大家腦海理了, 也不是每一家引用紐時報導的媒體都會去更正. 所以現在大家google還是可以找到一堆宣稱川粉打死警察的報導
看看同樣CNN這些主流媒體在一年前是怎樣照三餐說Wuhan virus, Chinese virus的
主流媒體將Chinese virus定位為種族歧視. 是在川普於防疫記者會使用這個名詞開始, 3月初中國和WHO指稱不應該用地名來描述一個疾病, 而且病毒的起源地不能說就在中國. 之後主流媒體才向中國的官方說法靠攏, 開始說這個名詞是種族歧視不可以用. 後來這個說法也被國民黨拿去用, 拿來攻擊民進黨政府
同時眾議院議長Nancy Pelosi稱這個病毒應該叫做川普病毒. 4月份紐約州長Cuomo也說這個病毒應該叫做歐洲病毒
說所有人的命都重要有啥問題? 但那些人會說, 因為弱勢族裔黑人是被壓迫的, 優勢族裔白人是壓迫別人的, 所以說黑命貴Black Lives Matter是強調黑人的命也很重要, 但如果說All Lives Matter呢背後的動機就一定是要強調優勢族裔的命重要, 而去繼續壓迫弱勢族裔. 所以這樣講就是種族歧視!
不覺得要是真正的種族歧視者才會提出這種歪理嗎? 主觀認定不管是什麼族裔的人, 只要說他們的命也重要, 那就是他們族裔要壓迫黑人??? 而且不是黑人的其他族裔都是有優勢的族裔?
任何跟1964年民權法案理念相違背的理論, 不管它外面包裝了多少糖衣, 宣稱怎麼樣的歧視某個族裔的人是為了真正的平等云云, 或是要大家在看一個人的時候去考慮他的膚色是什麼或是什麼族裔. 我們都要好好想想, 這個理論的本質是不是才是種族歧視. 是不是真正的種族歧視者將自己包裝成反種族歧視, 再拿著大旗叫我們去幫他的打手幫他實行種族歧視的目標
大家只要靜靜地看他裝逼 大力恥笑即可