/ I need to organize my brain, don't mind me
so.... did some network stuff.
probably Nate/Naoto's thread
& honestly the Noah/Noa one's time-sensitive-ish I need to do that one
should also get back to the old Handler network thread, but these others first
maybe if I food I'll be more braining
that helped. apparently step 2 is ibuprofen tho :v
and then I did a tag-out instead of a tagback
I keep wanting to sleep instead of doing my not-very-old-at-all tags >:/a
if I go to sleep now, "just a nap" or otherwise, I'm done tagging and no
caffeine that's what I need
also I needed music on repeat, that's helping
...should tag AU-Ryou's closed top
and also tag post-AU Ryou's inbox
but also that old Handler god-talk network thread,
old backtag Handler
I've got an AU-Runyu thread too. hm.
and both Annie-threads, one AU & one pre-AU

I need to look at it again later but I might be done-ish with the feb-event otherYugi thread. not currently sure what else to do there, but I might just be tired atm
gonna take a break, might or might not do more tonight :|a
probably doing no more tonight, ye.
bleary/tired. I to bed