Luke Skywanker
Hot take:
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is monstrously similar to Across the Universe

Change my mind
does across the universe have a plot about stolen instruments too
Luke Skywanker
I don't think so BUT I mean in that it is a loosely held together mishmash of people singing Beatles songs in an attempt to cash in with weird graphical style
Luke Skywanker
YOu can make an argument that there is a vast difference in quality to that graphical style
Luke Skywanker
but my experience of them was pretty on par
I thought Across the Universe got off to a great start then turned into a game of seeing how many Beatles songs they could cram in.
Luke Skywanker
confession: I thought ATU was boring and pretentious and a reach
Have you seen All This and World War II?
Luke Skywanker
Similar idea of recontextualizing Beatles songs.
i think ATU is not even really a film
its a bunch of music videos that range from really good to not very good
theres ostensibly a plot but fuck if i care or remember it
Luke Skywanker
I just remember people being kind of wood about it when it came out like SO ORIGINAL but I just watched Sgt Pepper and, well
i love some of the covers on the soundtrack