❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
"Hey Biz, I heard you've been doing a fair amount of new art. Any plans to show us, your long-time friends, who you know are kind, considerate people who would never judge your skills or ability and would only support you?" /nervous sweating
wo ai ni ★
"Some of whom intend to show up in Maine when the pandemic is chill"?????
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
baby gremlin
i cant remember exactly what but i know that what i saw of yours i actually liked...
marimoneki neko
the old doodles you shared from one of your cleanouts were real cute
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
When I was a young person, I thought that I would be able to learn how to Comic Art and share all the wonderful stories I was creating in my head.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
And then I realized I could do things like take two hundred My Little Pony toys from the 90's, decapitate them, put their heads on skewers, and unironically submit it for senior student gallery consideration.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
I think it was called "Vlad's Message To The Turks" and none but the most adventurous ever looked close enough to examine the faded eyes and the flies crawling out between their pony lips.
marimoneki neko
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
It's presumably still at USM, if they didn't just toss it. I think they tried to give it back, but that's around when my parents were divorcing and there was no longer a space to house a small battlefield of murdered toys.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
This was also when I worked at Goodwill and they didn't have a damn single measure in place to keep the employees from buying all the good shit. Those ponies came from a single donation and I bought them for ten dollars total.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Anyway, no one but my mother has ever had a nice word to say about the art I produce.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
"Hey, ma. I want to mass order maybe a hundred clock mechanisms from China and attach them all to acrylic eyes and then attach all of that to a plywood board and just have an entire wall of eyes rotating in studdery movements and softly, ominously clicking as they see you, judge you, and find you wanting."
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
"I love it. :-)"
That fucking rules though?
also consider: you live in hell Maine Maine hell
wo ai ni ★
Give it to me
I could probably find like five galleries in the artsy parts of Phoenix that would be delirious with joy to display that eyeball machinery piece
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
I'm probably going to pull the trigger and do the eyes. Alibaba has clocks at .35 cents. I'd resin-cast the eyes myself. Maybe $100 total? Could be my annual birthday present to myself.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Oh, another old piece that no one liked was a closet-sized box we called Box Of Noise. Me and two other people found enough shitty old tube televisions to make a wall of them on each side of the box. You stepped into the box, closed the door, and we'd flick on all the tvs. Each screen was covered in white opaque screening with eye shapes cut out, then the
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
film of 3D glasses we found in bulk in the trash made the eyes blue or red. We had an entire corner of a studio meant to house hundreds of other students' products dedicated to our Box and it was absolutely guaranteed to make you fucking dissociate.
wo ai ni ★
Resin casting stinks, it is involved
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
So naturally everyone tried it, and naturally everyone hated it, and naturally it was definitely the best project that semester. Absolute Hell.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
wo ai ni ★ : I've got an indoor archery range I can work in, otherwise I'd never even start with resin, lol.
wo ai ni ★
We have been trying to set up and oh, lordy
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
oh and all the static electricity from the tube tvs would make your hair stand on end and all you could smell inside the box was ozone and spray paint
wo ai ni ★
Pressure pot and mica still needed. We have molds, vacuum chamber, air compressor, resin, glitter ofc
wo ai ni ★
No gloves or goggles because we can't set up anywhere....
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Could you try one of those plastic greenhouses? You could set up outside, but that would limit the dust and debris.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Every time I look at artist's statements about their experimental art, it's really cool navel-gazing about technology and humanism and collective consciousness.
wo ai ni ★
We need the pressure pot before anything else. Then we can do another test run. I might buy another set, if we git gud enough
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
https://images.plurk.com/5a6P3u9BgYJH0cTtqwNkpR.gif And then there's me, and honestly, this is It.
marimoneki neko
biz i LOVE your shit tho
this sounds amazing tho
marimoneki neko
i showed this to my fiance who is also autistic. he confirmed this is exactly the shit he would make if he could get away with it. he LOVES the box
marimoneki neko
and on the other side, im not autistic, and i spent 45 minutes ,while my parents were moving my brother into a new apartment, when i was 6, carefully balancing a lego head on top of one of the spears his new roommates had used to make the spiked fence around their homemade haunted mansion.
marimoneki neko
the roommates told my brother i was the coolest six-year-old ever.
marimoneki neko
youre in maine. real people appreciate fucking weird
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
good news everyone I'm teaching art to children this summer
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Week long with different projects, proceeds to a local blm charity. It's through where I taught English.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
unfortunately I do enjoy commandeering impressionable youths and also unfortunately the youths always enjoy the commandeering.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
We're gonna do some print making, blind sculpture, and what I like to call "FUCK your classics" where I print out poster-sized European Classical Art (tm) and tell the kids to deface it.
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
Every child wants to put stink lines on someone and who am I to deny them?
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
I've done this a few times over the years and usually kids can go the entire afternoon so long as we take a small break to run apeshit through some fields.
marimoneki neko
y yo a ti, cas
i found a notebook i had from when we went to AX and it has the happy turtle friends doodle of snake and otacon
y yo a ti, cas
it is a Masterpiece
y yo a ti, cas
(*your doodle, i should say)