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Let the rumors find such bridges that they may
Reckon up the variables, find a way
Make it real
Make a deal
Until my protector comes
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Last time, we learned a LOT about Beato that massively recontextualizes all of her behavior.
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And also that she is quite possibly the biggest weenie in the game.
You're Quinner
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how long have you been sitting on the evatrice emote waiting for me to get to her
You're Quinner
I have a whole folder of umineko emoji
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Also, good news: I found a complete copy of the PS3 game online and ordered it; when I get around to having movie nights with friends I should have the full PS3 port.
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Beato has backed off and has left Ronove to act as an intermediary, but as great as he is, he's not as fun to play with as Beato.
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Apparently, Battler feels the same. https://images.plurk.com/6lhQjth6uNhsMzFtfWPS5b.png
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And since the match between Battler and Ronove isn't nearly as fun to watch, we're cutting back to the mansion.
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god these poor kiddos https://images.plurk.com/70lnZQoNVh0hUkOxPM22IW.png
sailor bii
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GIVE IT TO KYRIE COWARDS https://images.plurk.com/4H843koE2lSbDRT2HWerNa.png
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Do you really think Hideyoshi "I handed over my watch and begged the bandits to leave" Ushiromiya will be good in any fight that doesn't directly endanger George and Eva?
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yeah that is pretty fucking worrying https://images.plurk.com/1xHYWAD86cHZITbpE2macB.png
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i mean ultimately it is a very fair conclusion to draw https://images.plurk.com/MuxqAmrQTMzBOygmNpluT.png
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"I am too fucking old for Kinzo's bullshit." https://images.plurk.com/kityNKJXPJmAjb9qUfsNS.png
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i am STILL on my bullshit about kumasawa not being alive when the game started due to dying of natural causes and thus never being included in that 18 count https://images.plurk.com/axsWCZreKk1lBZoKNzcC9.png
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It's the only way to perform this crime without turning to Witches.
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A lot of Umineko's best dramatic tension comes from pieces drawing conclusions that we know are wrong but seem like reasonable conclusions if you don't have the red truth on your side. https://images.plurk.com/73XmoDze6p9liLuWakrAbP.png
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Hideyoshi coming in with a really good point, didn't expect that. https://images.plurk.com/6v42SEk9nsRoGK8xH5IQMG.png
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yeah all of the adults are ultimately fielding really good ideas that we, as an audience, know are false and it's great tension
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all of these are plausible for person x, the artist previously known as person 19, but it doesn't seem that way to BATTLER because he didn't advance to the notion of discarding "person 19" and going to "person x"
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But if you spin it around, would a culprit clever enough to perform five to six locked room murders in such an intertwined fashion just forget to grab the deadly weapon? https://images.plurk.com/4vkvheuFQjvYQ3gIqZtGxd.png
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This is the right thinking, though, especially if we think back to how the motivation for the culprit really seems to be to "convince you that witches are real." https://images.plurk.com/1XsGzzmFKmyMqraMYZzxhk.png
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god i love kyrie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, https://images.plurk.com/41vhnWjZirdS90cTGo1dKa.png
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so the only one who could've done it, based simply on process of elimination via alibi, is nanjo
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rip in fuck nanjo
You're Quinner
so what you're saying is, if kumasawa was alive the whole time, you'd have no choice but to surrender to witches
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It would be an extremely hard position to argue out of, but I have demonstrated a way to accomplish that locked room trick based on the red truths we were given that hypothetically anyone with the proper knowledge of the mansion could pull off.
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And Nanjo is, ultimately, a fairly likely suspect in the domain of humans.
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But I'm stuck on how Ronove had to literally gag Beato and surrender the first twilight to keep Battler from asking him to repeat methods of death other than homicides.
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And other than "suicide" and "accident," "natural causes" is pretty much your only way to go there, and Beato STILL couldn't say "homicide" in red at that point.
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Honestly the most interesting part here is that this wasn't a closed room.
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It completely breaks the pattern of all other cases at this stage in the game, which seems deliberate.
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If we spin the chessboard around, there's not a lot of reasons for why the culprit would abandon the pattern now while they've been so consistent so far.
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They simply didn't have the time.
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Honestly, I'd put solid bets on "Person X" being in the middle of setting up a different closed room when they were taken by surprise by Rosa and Maria, and had to silence them before they could get back.
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Also, Rosa and Maria are a.... stretch pick for the second twilight. Outside of the end of episode 3, they aren't truly close like how the previous second twilight victims have been.
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And then there's the obvious issue of "no stakes."
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Even in the case of Nanjo and Kumasawa in Episode 2, their bodies were vanished before the group as a whole could find them without stakes.
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When you put all of these pieces together, it makes it very likely that Rosa and Maria somehow caught "Person X" by surprise.
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Something really interesting to keep in mind, though, is the weather.
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In a typhoon this intense it would actually be fairly easy to hide yourself if you knew what you were doing. If the culprit had enough situational awareness to pull all of these other locked room murders off, they probably could've spotted Rosa and Maria before the pair spotted them.
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Unless they were occupied with something in the direction where they were heading.
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i.e. the flower bed.
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With the disappearing rose that Beato wasn't able to fully explain to Maria what actually happened to.
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Yet despite Beato's power as an Endless Witch being passed on to EVA-Beatrice, that rose was still there.
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No, even more than that, a rose that frail should've also been destroyed in the typhoon too.
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The restoration should've expired and it should've gone back to being "gone."
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Which means that, for some reason, the culprit took Maria's rose in the first place, and more than that they put it back for some reason too, at that point in time.
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HUH. Did I. Actually effectively use deductive reasoning there?
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I think that line of logic holds up now that I'm looking back at it.
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Anyways. Onwards.
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Ep3 is interesting because Ep1 and Ep2 feel IMMENSELY UNFAIR by design but, like, I'm in Battler's shoes here in that I can actually start putting stuff together and track what's going on a lot easier.
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god, poor jessica blaming herself for maria's death,,,
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Seeing the siblings present a united front and refuse to suspect each other is something I didn't expect at this stage in the game. I think really the deciding factors here are a. Rosa, who was shown to be extremely paranoid, is out of the game and b. Eva, who was shown to be nasty in these kinds of situations, is shaken by her dreams and Rosa's death.
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After all, after she and Rosa promised to keep finding "The Golden Land" a secret, Rosa being eliminated must seem extremely suspect to her.
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The commitment to passivity because "the police will come" is one of the most frustrating parts of the Question Arcs to me, even when it's Kyrie who's saying it.
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Like, sticking to a single location and holding up is, within the fiction, the best strategy.
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But it's not the most dynamic one for the audience to watch.
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poor eva is not doing good
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Evatrice yattering on in Eva's peripheral vision while everybody is talking about how fucked this situation is must NOT feel good.
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knifecat face https://images.plurk.com/1C5ub30LmmcpPvBgWlyKF4.png
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I really do wonder... if the resurrection ritual didn't 100% work for Beato, what will stop it for Evatrice? Will Piece Battler resist until the end and so Evatrice will have to get into her OWN game with Piece Battler?
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I doubt it but that would be hysterical.
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They really are entirely separate people at this point, huh. https://images.plurk.com/3vRQAWsBW8yrn6yjuCHYUq.png
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YEP, this is what I've been thinking about for a while now. https://images.plurk.com/6lQy4JxsT9JqmMwEmF1mIT.png
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poor eva, this sucks so much for her
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Thought as much, at least in the domain of witches. https://images.plurk.com/5Z8cX2WWxKiQZy1PweOvKP.png
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The wind is really picking up hard.
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i love her fucking. Punk Rock face https://images.plurk.com/T5sLPLEplyY90VxtSxfwf.png
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god, eva ;w; https://images.plurk.com/7uBqlkx2EJwBGyULmiXp5j.png
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This pattern is making me suspect Episode 4 is going to primarily focus on Kyrie.
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Which I REALLY HOPE is the case, honestly. I want to see what she's like without the context of having to support Rudolf.
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It's kinda funny, actually.
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Umineko uses the male siblings and Hideyoshi primarily as devices to support and contextualize the arcs of their spouses.
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It's a reversal of the usual dynamic.
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Hooooooooooooh? https://images.plurk.com/7G8aoNJ23v3kGirGFQSQwp.png
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...ah. I see. And this "one place" has become increasingly secure, as opposed to the mansion and outside as a whole which is dangerous, which means luring anybody out will be extremely difficult. Evatrice now has a much more limited field to play on. https://images.plurk.com/xSXHqOdCKWPr89Tln0msY.png
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Like the one Battler put up. Interesting. https://images.plurk.com/2qFSl51ZzWXcYDNVltn9ez.png
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This dynamic is always, like, one of my fave ways of magic implementation. https://images.plurk.com/4R0k41Dhz7lwqlya72dPT.png
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For example: isolate a small group, or get the group as a whole to start believing in magic of their own free will. https://images.plurk.com/30LrGXRgnwn6J3GqSo1f4Q.png
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fdasjflkhwju0ei0ofhsj BEATO https://images.plurk.com/7HGxO8YZBZmvWaUEiudnJr.png
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Beato's primary problem is that she assumes everyone thinks EXACTLY like her.
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This includes being incredibly stupid.
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beato isn't even a tsundere, she is just fucking dumb https://images.plurk.com/4uJH3VQsp5ekbfgXdKBtok.png
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god, beato, https://images.plurk.com/59u9qAlHb5uVoKPaJoSXbW.png
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also another knifecat evatrice\
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evatrice just absolutely getting beato's ass is hysterical
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this fucking fourteen year-old giving sass to the dumbest witch alive is amazing
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her fucking LAUGH oh my god sayaka ohara nailed it https://images.plurk.com/74jot79SvFJntDB1mTQRlS.png
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evatrice is so done https://images.plurk.com/YDb3E9ED8Dm1LMmiuH5YM.png
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there should be a chart of beatofaces by percentage of the different episodes
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beato you tryhard dummy https://images.plurk.com/2g5KtoFUdJ564xSVynOl3C.png
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ep3 isn't pivotal because of all the lorebombs and character intros
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it's important because it completely removes your ability to take beato seriously
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Splitting the cousins off from the rest of the group, and isolating Eva and Hideyoshi from everyone too. After all, she never promised to only go after the adults, and they still are putting up a pretty strong barricade. The moment Battler leaves the cousin room, Jessica and George are super vulnerable. https://images.plurk.com/4GPOJ0dEDTqMECNGKzYVm8.png
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YOU ABSOLUTE WEENIE https://images.plurk.com/7zKJjGHgiaGt4pIK8J5TZl.png https://images.plurk.com/5c7HzDwRntfNgZhhU4KZ4G.png
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the narration dunking on her is fantastic https://images.plurk.com/1vah6BO5BDdNzJ4IFucgpD.png
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playing beato would be hilarious actually since she acts so arrogant but she just fucking disintegrates under the slightest pressure
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oh my god.
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i have a take so cursed i can't put it in this plurk
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THE SPOOKTUNE REMIX https://images.plurk.com/Wujjf48RFbhkO9eILwbwQ.png
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god when was the last time we've even seen a scary beato face kajsf083iwdfkjs
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the fight over the first twilight i think
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YEAH I FUCKING KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. ultimately it would be boring because it comes down to battler saying "it was nanjo since he didn't have an alibi and there's no closed room trick" while being depressed https://images.plurk.com/3xe4P8Ey58VSgJUgsYhGYV.png
the grink
eva inherited the horror faces along with the title
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Hoooooooooooh? Now that's an interesting line of logic. I suppose if he disbelieves Eva's super fever as part of a witch's plot... https://images.plurk.com/3sj7JKIm8hHxObCq6b466C.png
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Yeah, this scans honestly. https://images.plurk.com/tbwikTptbXzwsMtgMV4nK.png
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??????????? Interesting... https://images.plurk.com/2WXctTXHWXZW8GC7eT1AO7.png https://images.plurk.com/7icnf5DZpN8wxWdgcGqwKZ.png
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UNCUTENESS kljdfa90isfurj0weijs https://images.plurk.com/3eGaJembJZAOLRE8tiCZ7Z.png
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you WEENIE https://images.plurk.com/2XSnEIDxpIy8mJqgxfs2IA.png
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i am losing all of my shit. kawaii beato https://images.plurk.com/64k4vT1uID6B25pbD7engZ.png
I'm glad you're enjoying best witch's incessant need for validation
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nothing matters anymore. beato is kawaii now
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i mean tbf
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she's always been kawaii
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especially when she's murdering people
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the universal ep3 experience is losing your shit at both the twists and beato's gap moe being inside our hearts all along apparently
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OH YES THIS SCENE'S GONNA BE GOOD https://images.plurk.com/1bT1azt44x4iQLXT7J1FGl.png
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...Kyrie's figured out the epitaph hasn't she. That's Evatrice's move. https://images.plurk.com/7ubzfzKUXxKCfxCcXK60KR.png
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christ it's only 1 o'clock
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we have so much episode to go
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this is like the halfway point at most
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yeah hunger is also a problem
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natsuhi kept watch by herself all throughout the climax of episode 1, it makes sense that she thinks she can handle it https://images.plurk.com/2u2lSoBIfiCB4fUsCspjSk.png
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she is ABSOLUTELY angling for the gold lmao i love her https://images.plurk.com/4QzlENGg1Gr4dVXCOttrVk.png
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the wind picked up too
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god i just noticed these assholes have terrible trigger discipline lmao
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blaming female hysteria in 3, 2, 1 https://images.plurk.com/5g85xbbFJnhmB2de9a1CE9.png
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or not, that's a nice surprise https://images.plurk.com/77r11nELUiD6BWPSSFTztK.png
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THEY'RE GETTING A CART TOO. but how are they planning on getting rid of- oh kyrie came to the same conclusion as battler and figures eva and hideyoshi are a threat and need to be eliminated https://images.plurk.com/59RUM1EgpTvwbalcclPJFM.png
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honestly natsuhi is, like. correct here. you can deal with not having food for literally one day while you have access to clean water if it means not getting mcmurdered https://images.plurk.com/6RsM1nCEzc1FLpJ6hhNZTR.png
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you're a good hubby, hideyoshi https://images.plurk.com/5mPQhYMNLJGUEgeIjiNts.png
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LIKE I SAID https://images.plurk.com/1LqrRbLhiFPojIy0hRlyYW.png
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like quinn said, rudolf is clever in a distinctly uncreative way
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also notably
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rudolf definitely cocked the gun there on purpose lmao
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if what i'm thinking is right and they are trying to get the drop on hideyoshi that's an advantage
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god i love her https://images.plurk.com/4uALlvW8S431jpv5vwuTG6.png
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hhhhhhhhhhhhere it comes https://images.plurk.com/59BUai9eaMEkMkiBDmQSYh.png
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asdfhjuworeiofashjkref aslove her https://images.plurk.com/mgFyC7XQJoNgk7aajZaAw.png https://images.plurk.com/1LVDL6ERW9yPwNjyRedy6i.png
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Three is the magic number. https://images.plurk.com/JVbapRpidWro3uQW2fnZc.png
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knifecat. I doubt it's going to go as smoothly as she's planning, though. https://images.plurk.com/17NnA94XFd3642mTgembE7.png
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I still think "Kyrie and Rudolf plotted to steal the gold and eliminate Hideyoshi" was the play https://images.plurk.com/6OGiW6pSVpBjzc1HgHIIOY.png https://images.plurk.com/7gwVKya5y3efhiF7jAZBGL.png
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I figured this effect meant "fully sealing into the domain of witches," yeah. https://images.plurk.com/5xYsDUlPoG8LZbWF1dZGhw.png
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I doubt things will progress this quickly, though.
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Since she is the bit of Eva who dreamed to be a witch and who persevered through all that hardship, yeah. https://images.plurk.com/3anzJlb8R8EOThM1MKTjbW.png
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haaaaaaah, Ronove's nervous. https://images.plurk.com/bNMVRpuJ4JblWvtmVNl91.png
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He's trying, at least. https://images.plurk.com/3jFSV27IHrV0NQq817y8Mt.png
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...right. https://images.plurk.com/5UVRf2dN6whW2F8n49lFhc.png
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The sisters.
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battler is NOT going to be fucking happy. however estranged he is from him, rudolf's still his old man, and he loves kyrie like a sister https://images.plurk.com/5BWMk97MOXmhJiec4bzfRv.png
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I feel like... this is the time that Evatrice is going to learn some kind of lesson. https://images.plurk.com/6I8lKXbwrK1pFFqxFYtCTq.png
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ronove never thought he'd miss working for beato lmao https://images.plurk.com/6XVgoEGMLIcfi3AvaZqbHV.png
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The inherent cruelty of an eternal child shouldering an adult's burdens, huh.
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Completely isolated from reality.
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...his expression is slightly different. I can't put my finger on it. https://images.plurk.com/698AIXJzxdYmhkL9kGm0D1.png
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Can't illusion away a bullet propelled entirely by the laws of physics and chemistry, after all. It doesn't have a mind to muddle. https://images.plurk.com/4H2uvuLLeMOdsj0PTEUmtw.png
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In other words, You cannot outsmart bullet.
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...this, however, does throw a lot of Beato's final kill in episode 1 into doubt.
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Ahhh, interesting. https://images.plurk.com/3lRaJy8zdfkt11mjefJSyV.png
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So then, under the rules of witchcraft, Beato's final kill in Episode 1 was impossible. https://images.plurk.com/6pm3eX0KIT5cNzNuqn8drC.png
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Only two? https://images.plurk.com/4aJHvSK5qQlldhwI1BJEkS.png
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...so when Hideyoshi is the only survivor, he'll be blamed. Interesting. So that was why Ronove preserved that piece. https://images.plurk.com/2KMFDgN72O9tnff5bnVvX6.png
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This is going to give them an opportunity. https://images.plurk.com/1vQMwcbJ5MMy44p4EhJOGl.png
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Evatrice is going to be a problem to deal with later.
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I'm still on my bullshit about Rudolf and Kyrie going for the gold while trying to eliminate Hideyoshi here in the domain of humans, it's the only thing that makes sense. https://images.plurk.com/6s1SZJTfbAJIW1hl9WJ8XH.png
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA https://images.plurk.com/3RZkrPHWDOAZsnx0nncVDn.png
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God, Kyrie is a PERCEPTIVE fucker. https://images.plurk.com/6ykLWzSRDJhnYQSpAvWeD0.png
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I love her, https://images.plurk.com/1BYNZmQv6nJNEESAsfDQUp.png
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I LOVE HERRRRRR https://images.plurk.com/1S52uluRkvROMAsKMN8TCQ.png
You're Quinner
I love the way guns work in witch side
You're Quinner
they're just raw absolute manifestations of human reality
You're Quinner
so all the magical barriers in the world don't do jack shit
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Maybe use the gun to blast off the lock, worst case. You'd be down a shell, but it'll definitely work, even in the domain of witches. https://images.plurk.com/223hrNbPxdCBH8BvUpKcxC.png
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Yeah, like.
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Ultimately, it's a weapon comprised purely of the laws of physics and chemistry.
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The only human input is pointing and pulling the trigger when it comes down to it.
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You can't magic your way around it, you can only try to dodge it.
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kyrie definitely has Some Shit going on and i can't wait to see exactly what https://images.plurk.com/3bDJSSFYuOtpUd4suixfBj.png
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1/5 bullets.
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Again, Kyrie was the one to encourage them to fire.
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legit tho i want her to be, like
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a normal ass human being
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just... completely and utterly normal, but also the pinnacle of what humans can do in the face of witches
You're Quinner
well, it's time for the rudolf and kyrie power hour
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in every respect
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i think that would be RAD
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banging canned goods together I! LOVE! KYRIE! https://images.plurk.com/320ChwFS8O73eboK3OUuJe.png
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>worldend_dominator starts playing https://images.plurk.com/1m0p2f0s3BprU3OL73OXtG.png
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Yeah, sure you will, Leviathan. Sure you will.
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Granted it's the OST for a hopeless fight, but in both cases it was used, it was a hopeless fight that nevertheless ended in ideological victory for Humans even if they lost.
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holy shit rudolf, https://images.plurk.com/3j4Jg495qWULdPQVoTKZ9X.png
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one i see where battler gets it
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two kyrie has absolutely pegged this man
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YESSSSSSSSSSSS https://images.plurk.com/5TfBZwoUBVyLl4YipZZR0e.png
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2/5 shots for Rudolf.
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HOLY FUCK https://images.plurk.com/2qsLp2OcdnKdrBiiqzUzUs.png
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holy shit https://images.plurk.com/4dtS7SYLlUQBTVivWZfTuN.png
You're Quinner
they watch a lot of westerns
You're Quinner
god I love this fight
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this is the exact same line that rosa gave to a goat before wrecking its ass https://images.plurk.com/151snUXt0yueYabOufdjMc.png
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Rudolf is at 3/5 shots. Two shots left.
You're Quinner
my favorite Rosa line from her EP2 goat musou fight was "I'll show you how lukewarm the hell you came from is"
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it's so fucking good
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when this game decides to do actual physical fights instead of verbal brawls it's just
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chef's kiss
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good umineko anime when
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what. https://images.plurk.com/6jjVPgiqk2sBFY0X8dQ2Zo.png
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holy shit she actually namedropped asumu https://images.plurk.com/1tAqcDzF7IJuxZMcQA4PCh.png
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that almost never happens
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This also confirms what I've been thinking in that Kyrie and Rudolf have always been best friends, and that relationship didn't really change after they got married.
You're Quinner
Asumu is a fascinating character because of how little you know about her
lead role
Interesting. https://images.plurk.com/LI6bwMZmExEjlOcX3rtcE.png
You're Quinner
she's this hole in the story who you can only learn about from her effects on others
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yeah, she's... basically a VOID
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...it's not just the bullets. It's the physical gun itself. Kyrie deduced that they were EXTREMELY AFRAID of guns just by how far they ran from those first few shots, and she figured out how to respond in kind. https://images.plurk.com/5huALUsktt7ju8SHuDPoqZ.png
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HOLY FUCK KYRIE https://images.plurk.com/58MGQsvydJk29hdieTo6IF.png
You're Quinner
Kyrie's playing a game she doesn't know the rules of but unlike Battler she's a VERY fast learner
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She's being smart too, saving her bullets until she's sure she has enough room and a good opportunity for a killshot.
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GOD I LOVE HER https://images.plurk.com/QzQClYpi7I58JNh9jHRv8.png
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beato may be attractive to everybody who feels sexual attraction but kyrie is the biggest sapphic thirst trap on rokkenjima
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AND THEN https://images.plurk.com/44ZcTh8Lw6BPS2OMZiiW1y.png
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HER FACE https://images.plurk.com/NJfnOTljGhHr5RjjPck6H.png
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The thing that kills me here is that
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...wait, nvm, narration said Hideyoshi was pushing the cart and that she had his gun.
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Kyrie 1/5 shots, Rudolf 3/5.
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the moment kyrie hears this she is taking a potshot at beatrice https://images.plurk.com/2Q1mvivJE5rsI7SPKOol6w.png
lead role
GOD RUDOLF IS NOT FUCKING AROUND https://images.plurk.com/49ZT1KGxtIDifu3Kpa6akx.png
lead role
can i just say