Luke Skywanker
An acquaintance messaged me just now, saying he'd heard me on a podcast called "Mortified."


Turns out, someone with my name is an npr personality in Oakland!
Luke Skywanker
She spells is Chris but STILL
Luke Skywanker
I really want to get in touch with her because I think a person would enjoy a story like that but I cannot find any contact info
فك يو
pfffff can you contact the show?
Luke Skywanker
I just wrote the station!
Luke Skywanker
Because if I were her, I would want to hear about this
Luke Skywanker
appropriate use of stalking IMO
Luke Skywanker
Plus she's Black and I love the idea of her being like "someone thought THIS person was rapping" when she googles my photo
Luke Skywanker
Tire Fire
Oooo what'd she say?!
Luke Skywanker
"Too bad you don't rap, we could THROW DOWN. But also, where your family from?" I'm paraphrasing
Luke Skywanker
I'm delighted!
Tire Fire
That's awesome!