This Jin Ling player is adorable. Also, he almost killed Gojyo.
Gojyo got attacked by the water toads that were attacking Jin Ling. His face is submerged in water
Jin Lings reaction, of course, is the stab the water in hopes to free Gojyo
the sword is going through the water, Gojyo almost got his face stabbed
ChoHakkaiFan Wife started coloring my pic and I'm so happy about it.
In filling out the permissions section I am suddenly relived to not be playing hakkai
like it's saiyuki, so there's a lot of messed up stuff going on, but at least gojyo's content warning list is way smaller than anything I'd have to put if I was playing his best friend in canon
Cho Hakkai is his own content warning
Oh boy, Utsume has no idea what sort of impact the thing he just said would have on Gojyo of all people
ChoHakkaiFan woo it's finished. Time to slap this bad boy on my permissions page
Jin Ling .... is a wild child who is clearly upset that a bunch of toads wanted to play with him and he ain't having that....lmao. I was reading the tag back and I was laughing. 🤣 and Gojyo .... just lmao this is a terrible combo . 😂
It's so good. Their interactions are peak fodder for Gojyos type of personality and just like his interactions with a certain friend of his back home. I love it.
I love it. Gojyo's personality is kind of similar his uncle's too so its like triggering at the same time. I love it
I wasn't expecting the thread to go that way loll. boy was I wrong and also omfg its been ages since I've seen any Saiyuki muses! I used to read the series religiously
Yeah I haven't rp'ed for about a year but the announcement came out in January that thered be a new anime and the feeling just hit. I've been having so much fun with it too! The setting and the cast in the game so far are great.
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
yeh it so funny because a few new rp friends I made including you have all been on rp hiatus ! I was on one. for three years lol. what a fun way to start rp again! oh right yes ! I forgot they announced that but omfg thanks for playing such a badass character. yes agreed!
thanks for creating cr with me. I didn't think I needed this cr but I def want more!
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd : Why hello there. I have to say this thread has been marvelous. Utsume is a gem.
Of course I was actually pretty happy to be a mdzs cast because I've always been curious in seeing how a saiyuki boy would bounce off of them
since dramatic series with pretty boys based around Chinese epics and lost of messed up stuff ensuing
awe I see ! yeh that is super true 👍. yes all the messed up things ensuing indeed ffff
in both series nothing is okay and everything's broken, they come from similar provincial regions and historical basis and I just love that. That's why I was more than eager to see Jin Lings reaction around Gojyo and I have not been disappointed
that is true what. a messed up world they both come from and I'm glad I'm not disappointing you ! it's the first time I've ever picked him up so he's such a new muse ! I'm glad you're not disappointed in his craziness
No he's perfect. He's such a brat and it's so good.
ahahahahaaha i dunno about perfect but lololl thank you !! I also obvs love your Gojyo so much lol 😆
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
I love this thread. ...I guess that's one way to put Utsume lol
there are so many complex feelings going on and nuances that directly affect Gojyo's character and I wasn't expecting to delve into this part of his personality so early on in the game. So thank you for all these marvelous threads!
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
Utsume does not sugarcoat XD