Frustrating, though - there's an achievement for capping all the professions (moving target each expansion), and the only two I have left are Inscription and Enchanting. My Scribe, as it turned out, didn't have BfA Inscription at all, so I worked on that tonight.
She has hit a wall - pretty much the only recipes left which will definitely progress her require... Expulsom. Which comes from stuff she can't make, and nobody's selling anything cheaply on her server. Stuck 40 points short of cap.
Draenor, Legion, BfA. Maybe if she can make it to the Darkmoon Faire, she can cap an expansion or two from now (because she's finished Shadowlands already).
Night Fae: 40/15
Venthyr: 30/uncapped/uncapped
Necrolords: 16/uncapped
Kyrian: 11/uncapped