duck bastard
[cat owner life/tmi] now ain't that a success
duck bastard
i have taught vriska - roughly - how to throw up in her litterbox
duck bastard
granted, this is because sometimes she would start to get something caught in her throat while on my bed, and so this is a result of my flinging my blankets off and then flinging her into the litter instead
duck bastard
but this time when I got up when she started to 'catch', she got up of her own accord and walked over there!
duck bastard
it was just a hairball sort of deal, but still, wouldn't want it on my bed
Guardian Bear J
That's a great success, until you realize that now when she doesn't use the box, it may be intentional.
Azure ☪ Moon
well yeah, but you also can't necessarily control the barf reflex...
Guardian Bear J
I love kitties, but man, they have weird motivations.
duck bastard
yeah, like, depending on how sudden it is, i'm not expecting this to work All The Time lmao but if she has a bit of lead up....
duck bastard
like i'm still expecting her to throw up occasionally in her cat tower, because that's still her ideal Safe Space For Vomit
duck bastard
hey, a step is a step, lmao!