Izzie Bizzie
is there a subscribo update group system that you would recommend? i'm looking for a system for unlimited members (current member count is around 15 k). i've been using (and still use) subscribe-o-matic for over 10 years, but it causing me lots of troubles (getting stuck at 20%, not letting people join etc...)
Izzie Bizzie
also if you switched from subscribe-o-matic, how did you go about moving your members over? did you just ask them to join again or is there a different way?
MarvelMouse 🐭
I switched to the Subscriber Kiosk by Fred Allandale a long while ago, he still has the machine and frequently updates it. It has no limit of subscribers, and he does have a easy transfer system for moving your subscribers from your current system.
MarvelMouse 🐭
I SORT of recall that you could actually keep groups of different subscribers on different rezzed machines? Urgh it's been a while. You should go look though, he has an inworld store and the price for the machine is very reasonable.
Sometimes Bacon
when i had a store, i used the Artizan one but it only goes up to 12,000 per mailout
Sometimes Bacon
genuinely surprised casper doesn't do one
When I had a store I used the Fred one and I STILL get the updates even though I have not had a store in 10 years. lol
He had really good customer service and support back when I used it 2006-2011
Really nice guy, He will probably talk to you directly.
and there was no limit, and there is a notecard in the machine that you will just copy all the original avatar ID's onto. I remember it being easy to transfer
have you reached out to Mso for help?
I know he's not in sl much anymore but he does come on for customer service.
i have the fred allandale kiosk as well, i moved over years ago because of the subscribe-o-matic fee. as far as i remember there was an importer script to move the subscribers over to the new system
and it has all sorts of add-ons, there's one where you can remove inactive subscribers (if people haven't logged in in whatever amount of time, they get kicked off the list)
Izzie Bizzie
i've actually wanted to switch for a long time, because it is so expensive, but always delayed cause of the hassle and i didn't want to deal with a new system and my members count. i also heard the owner is no longer updating the system and no longer in SL. now that i'm having issues, i think it's a sign to finally change.
Izzie Bizzie
i'll check the ones you mentioned out, thank you <3
Honey Bunny
Subscriber Kiosk never let me down
I have made a subscriber kiosk for each of my handful products to have different groups.
Uh. Just checking the docs... "Pro (10000 subscriber limit)"
You might have to talk to Fred how to work with >10,000 subscribers.
I think the limit is only because you can only drop x more data storage scripts into a subscriber box, but maybe there is a way to work with more. Fred can tell.
Honey Bunny
I'm pretty sure there is a script that just adds another 1000 each time
Vic Lenoirre
Good question.
We use i-subscriber and highly recommend it, it's been flawless for three years now. You do have to pay once you hit a certain number of subs but it's not a huge amount and it's yearly.
They also sell scripts that you can use to do subscriber only gifts etc, and their online portal for looking at your subscriber list is super easy to use.
Little Sunshine
oh wow, I didnt even realize that was still around. I switched to the Fred Allandale one. It takes a little bit to get it setup when you have alot of subscribers cause each one has a limit.
Little Sunshine
Tillie : It comes with instructions for setting up subscriber storage. I have 3 maxed terminals, plus the one in my store.
Izzie Bizzie
thanks a lot for your recommendations! from first impression i tend more towards the i-subscriber one, at least to me it seems that setup and everything might be less complicated than the fred one