P7. Let him rest, little monk you come with me Thirty million Tael, is it ready? I don’t have it now; but I’ll make money and repay back. Hum! Money making? This is not an amount that can be repaid back from work.
The blond little fellow will be kept here with me. If you run away from this debt, I can sell him to the temple. He looks a bit older, but should get a good price with his cute face. (Vein popping)…… I’ll keep my words. Really? Hey hey hey… P8. Pa sha… Pa sha… Pa sha… Gu Gugu… Gugu…
P9. Dong!! Pa sha… Pa sha… Pa sha… Few days later Dong! Dong! Dong! P10. Dong! Granny What Granny? I’m only one hundred and thirty-nine years old and still pretty Dong dong! Dong! Dong dong!
… Okay Dr. Kureha Your legs can move gradually now? Yes… That’s good. Doctor, can I ask you a question? What happens if the relationship between two men exceeds just friendship…? Pu! I thought what else! I think what you want to ask is that… At that time, do this… then this… this… Um um, Um? Aye-- ?!
Shi… Shi… Gaji Gaji Gaji
Little monk, it’s finished. ?! Finished? What do you mean…
Let him rest, little monk you come with me
Thirty million Tael, is it ready?
I don’t have it now; but I’ll make money and repay back.
Hum! Money making? This is not an amount that can be repaid back from work.
(Vein popping)…… I’ll keep my words.
Really? Hey hey hey…
Pa sha… Pa sha… Pa sha… Gu Gugu… Gugu…
Dong!! Pa sha… Pa sha… Pa sha…
Few days later
Dong! Dong! Dong!
Dong! Granny
What Granny? I’m only one hundred and thirty-nine years old and still pretty
Dong dong! Dong! Dong dong!
Your legs can move gradually now? Yes…
That’s good. Doctor, can I ask you a question?
What happens if the relationship between two men exceeds just friendship…? Pu!
I thought what else! I think what you want to ask is that…
At that time, do this… then this… this…
Um um, Um? Aye-- ?!