Mouth Powers
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also gotta decide on his powers
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Jedao I am torn between overboarding him as a kendra and just letting him play tourist
evil spike bandits!
what's a kendra?
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Dogma I am not sure at all - he might be a sacrificial lamb for spiking early on just so I have less to juggle because I bet Petr is gonna be Plot Busy
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Kenra are these immortal shapeshifting goo people who hang out in secret and Do Stuff
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generally benevolent, perfect mimics
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it's been a long time since I re-read though and i probably couldn't make it work
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I'm also always up for giving Jedao overboard fambly
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hmmmm I think I might make Petr naturally a bronze misting, aka Sensing Other Powers, which is extremely useful for a spike bandit
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and then one or two spike powers
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uses seeking both to find potential victims AND other potential bandits
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I think maybe a soothing spike
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he just walks up to you and you're very calm and you dont care and then he stabs you
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me, idly googling: what does dmitri mean as name anyway
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google: follower of demeter
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I fucking cannot
a farmer torn from the soil
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this canNOT have been on purpose, Magary is NOT that clever
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the russian work/death camps in the postmortal are farms, of course
when do you think evil spike bandits (band logo pending) would've formed up?
kandra, not kendra
I just reread these in the early days of the torture year of 2020
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HOW did that get switched in my head
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I haven't done a reread since the horror house in maryland though, so
well kendra is an actual name so
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I feel like they've probably been around An While but the membership fluctuates a lot
makes sense for brain to go to that
how do you feel about cyril bandit?
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bandits die, new scrappers get recruited
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like it a LOT
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Kota also I'm super into the idea of Petr maybe recruiting rags (also his spike should be in his hand!! for reasons!!) because he's got a canon history of just losing his entire shit and being helpful to an Urchin he was supposed to abduct one time
I LOVE that idea!!!
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he will be SUPER 8| about y'all
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ryannN?! undrwo is there enough marsh stuff in Rhythm of War that I should read it
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I disliked so much of alloy but
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my boy
Petr and Peter, spike bandits together?
Rhythm of War I don't think has any Marsh, it's over on the planet Roshar?
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YES Good
ᴇʀᴏɢᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴀɢ 🍆
Oh a bandit buddy?
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oh amazon was trying to sell it me, I was mislaid
ᴇʀᴏɢᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴀɢ 🍆
I was thinking about having Archer be overboard and evil for this port
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what's the book 2 sequel trilogy then
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yeeeeeees archer
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bandits bandits
ᴇʀᴏɢᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴀɢ 🍆
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I also feel mislaid tbh
SO MANY BANDITS...and their feral "child". This is a good group.
need enough for a posse
ᴇʀᴏɢᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴀɢ 🍆
Yes yes yes
Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning
I'm trying to remember the Marsh quantities in them all and I think it is sadly low
In fact I would go so far as to say that he is not in them, but they do kind of deal with the consequences of his actions? And Harmony talks about him a fair bit
but depressingly low Marsh content except for that one scene in Alloy
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maybe someday I'll skim library copies when I can go back to libraries then
he is in them at least once
but yeah rhythm of war has sazed stuff, not marsh
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I just saw an add for it in audible or some such and I was immediately like IS THIS BECAUSE I USED A MISTBORN WORD IN A MOD PLURK
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where are your spies
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sorry google this time you were innocent
I think if Cyril gets allomancy powers he'd be a rioter
in fact, I think he'd be a rioter naturally
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I'm making Petr a seeker naturally and a soother by hemalurgy
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they probably do a lot of clean 'mess people up in the head, get in, get out without having to use Very Expensive Bullets' jobs
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oh my god okay not to deliberately be a powercreep asshole but THE KIND OF PERSON WHO IS A SPIKE BANDIT WOULD TRY TO BE STRATEGIC AND POWER CREEP ABOUT IT
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what if Petr is twinborn bronze misting/brass ferring
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and deliberately gets his misting soother spike so that he can compound heat
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just torches things sometimes
I'm thinking maybe he was a city boy someone got to run an errand out in the roughs, cut off by his family, a Rioter, and Petr/Petr's predecessor targets him for recruitment
but he proves surprisingly confident and tough in the moment, good at managing people and running information
wait but he can't have more than 2 powers, right?
up to one allomantic and one feruchemical?
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that's for non-overboarders getting powers granted by the admiral
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the admiral, not being super blood magic evil, is not giving people hemalurgy
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nobody gets more than 1 allomantic & 1 ferruchemic naturally, but Hemalurgy Gonna Heme
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Petr definitely falls in with him to determine whether it makes more sense to recruit him or just spike him, quickly decides he's pretty clever for a city boy and just needs a family who won't throw him away
Lady Stardust
Lady Stardust
please give me Marsh Iris will be so happy
Lady Stardust
come and meet her lovely inmate
Lady Stardust
come and be cuddled
Lady Stardust
let her introduce you to all the new barge peeps
for a price
can I offer you an evil rita in this trying time
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for a price
also you know this stuff, can you explain/link me to some more details about what this spike busines sinvolves
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the gist of it is that if you murder somebody by impaling them with a spike of a particular metal corresponding to the powers, some of that power is like, stored in the spike, and then if you stab that spike into a living person they gain that power at a slightly reduced level and also magically don't die even though there's a spike in their kidney or whatev
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and how much the strength is reduced depends on a lot of stuff like how long between the murder and the implantation, and maybe where the spike is on the new person (it can be in a normal spot like an earring, or Not)
for a price
So what I'm gathering here is that bad dudes stab people with spikes to absorb their powers, then stab themselves to use that power but not die
for a price
I assume that they can only use the stolen power for x amount of time because the spike acts like a bracelet in that sense and eventually what it's charged up with runs out?
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no, the spike lasts as long as it is in their bodies, but they would still need to have flakes to burn or metalminds to fill up
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it's like they're stealing the magic-doing piece of the other person's soul, basically, and it leaks a little when it's not In An Person, and a little bit is lost in friction transfer
for a price
:|b thank you! I might be leaning less away from Current Evil and more towards Reformed Evil Doesn't Talk About It but this is still very useful!!
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you can take 2 powers (1 allomantic and 1 ferruchemic) with one spike although I'm not sure if they have to be the same metal for that to work undrwo check me here
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and not a lot of people hAVE their 2 powers for the same metal to start with for stealing
for a price
thank u :|! I have a wiki tab now also because I'm aware that Asking About Stuff You Just Google is an annoying practice
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also you can have maximum 2 spikes before you get Problems
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but that could be 3 powers if you started with a natural one
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TEE BEE AITCH the sanderson wikis are full of very convoluted expanded multiverse cosmology
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I looked at the wiki and then was like "I aint' linking a canonblind person this treatise'
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also the spikes Do Hurt unless they're in normal piercing places. don't kill you! do hurt.
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but tactically it's better to have them in places other folks can't rip them out
All this is true
for a price
it's cool, my hidden superpower is being able to absorb vast amounts of information about canons I've never actually engaged with
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Sanderson wiki: "contacting the correct bind point splices a portion of the spiritweb purely in the physical realm, not the cognitive realm, unless"
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thinking about a horrible bit with brass!compound Petr who can store up heat just...fuckin....
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1) setting places on fire and then walking in and taking jewels/metals
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2) gets in a scuffle with another ferring. and fucking melts their metalminds off
I would love to still set something up with arthur and petr!
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poliorketes YES FOR SURE, and I think Arthur is the only confirmed PC victim so far - I'm thinking Petr maybe knows about the three-spike limit and the 'immediate transfer is more powerful' from being with the gang forever, so he could have an aim to subdue Arthur and bring him back to get spiked for another member, instead of killed ASAP
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allowing for struggle/horror/actual threading?
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I need to review everyone else's plotting more tho
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rags please don't touch the rubies until they stop sizzling
That's perfect!
Rags has definitely Abu'd some rubies at least once or twice in his life.