Zigzag Stampede
Replurk of Tim Stoker's and Vash's event post as I see how productive I can make this day be!
Zigzag Stampede
There are so many boxes and so many tags.
Zigzag Stampede
I love the tags. Hate the boxes
If there's anything old/random you want to HW, lemme know.
Zigzag Stampede
Nothing springs to mind right away
you can do it!
/gonna throw crap in your inbox shortly :3
thinking about throwing a seal gremlin selkie at Tim at the purity ball because clearly what he needs is another nonhuman who's doing her best to pass herself off as human
Zigzag Stampede
100% he does!
will do
she's basically terrified of people finding out and taking advantage since frankly selkies got the short end of the stick when it comes to having more vulnerabilities than powers, so it is not info she'd volunteer
Zigzag Stampede
It's okay. I'm sure the city will let Tim be ignorant to this fact forever and won't reveal her secret at the worst possible time or anything like that
if she gets wind of his hate-on for nonhumans she might just try to quietly fade back out of his acquaintanceship, though in which case we'll need to nuke their CR
Zigzag Stampede
We'll find ways to smash them together even if she finds out I'm sure
trying to decide if this party is swanky enough for real silverware or if she'll have to suffer through using steel
debating poking Tim again :|a
Zigzag Stampede
Maybe it's plastic silverware
Zigzag Stampede
And go for it if you want to poke at Tim
I shall think on it! I basically am coming up blank for something interesting haha. I was thinking the strip tease would be fun if she had the other drink, but she might sprout feathers if she's too sensitive/excited so that's probably a bad idea
smashes face against glass
Zigzag Stampede
ToMOMe : yeah Tim would flee if she sprouted feathers. So fast. But if you're drawing a blank then it's fine!
Zigzag Stampede
Mis : should Tim and Wolf have an awkward 30 minutes together?
Zigzag Stampede
Or maybe Wolf can hear someone dare Tim into kissing that man over there and Tim take the dare. Kissing Wolf before he knows who it is.
Zigzag Stampede
Or he could give Rhys a strip tease?
Lol. They could, or Tim and Rhys can have an equally awkward time.
Zigzag Stampede
He doesn't know Rhys well enough yet that he'd be happy to just be silly with him
Tim and Wolf are both Doms so they wouldn't be seated together
Zigzag Stampede
Oh yeah, it dont remember it saying it had to be dom/Sub only but that is very much likely the point
Yeah. That was the impression I got. But Wolf will be at the stag party too so I'm game either way!
Zigzag Stampede
Tim is drinking the stuff that makes him open to suggestions. Wolf could probably sense it on him, but it would give a reason why Tim would go anywhere near Wolf
Zigzag Stampede
Or we can work on Rhys and Tim if that is easiest/more interesting to you!
Let's give Wolf and Tim a little more time to settle, Rhys should be interesting CR because he's human enough to pass but not-human enough to make it a little challenge!
Zigzag Stampede
Sounds great!
(and, the stag party sounds great to me if you're up for it! I'm open either way)
Rhys will be drinking the sensitivity drink, and wearing a sash that says "I like it rough".
Zigzag Stampede
Then Tim will make a joke about how his says: I play rough
Lol, perfect.
I'll tag in when I'm back at the computer unless you want to hit Rhys's open top level!
Zigzag Stampede
I am actually running around at the moment so let's see who gets to their computer first lol
Zigzag Stampede
As I'm currently phone tagging and Vash is logged in. Too lazy to swap it haha
lol it's a question of 'do we dump this CR in the shitter?' or not pff
Lol. That works, but no rush either way. I'm probably heading to sleep soon
Zigzag Stampede
Hmmmmm sleeeeeeeep so jealous
I'll have to make my mind up later, I'm late sitting down to do stuff and my brain is refusing to cooperate /sob
Zigzag Stampede
ToMOMe pretty much. It's not like Tim is wishing death on those who aren't human, but he's trying to keep his distance
Zigzag Stampede
He feels it's safer for everyone that way. He's not snapping at someone and they're less likely to kill him when they snap and go crazy
yeah.... :|a
Zigzag Stampede
Because he won't be around them. (and that's Tim's opinion of when they snap not if)
Zigzag Stampede
Unless you're Wolf. In Tim's opinion Wolf can go die in a fire
Zigzag Stampede
Tim does not like Wolf. Despite having some of the best sex in his life with him... twice
I think I'll just stick with Vash for now because I can't think of anyting more interesting than a little banter at the table
I did not actually go into this thread with the thought that Moira was going to flash Tim...and yet
she just doesn't like bras tbh
Zigzag Stampede
They are awful
Tagging in on your top-level, sorry it took so long! And if you want to switch to prose, just let me know :-)
Zigzag Stampede
I'm good with either!
Sure thing. :-)
Psst, hey! Afaik, Rhys hasn't seen Tim face to face before, has he? Tim's response to Rhys on Rhys's open post was text. Just wanted to check!
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah! So they've never met in person
Zigzag Stampede
Tim won't know who Rhys is when he first sits down
He's at least seen Rhys on video? Since Rhys's open was video
Zigzag Stampede
Oh yeah, for some reason I was thinking he was text only two, but it was video wasn't it?
Yep, it was. But if everyone's drunk and partying it might not click right away?
Zigzag Stampede
Yeah we can easily say it takes Tim a bit to remember
Zigzag Stampede
it's not like he sees Rhys as a threat so it's not a face he was trying to commit to memory or anything
Yeah, and Rhys looks very human and is pretty attractive, so. :-) Okay, I'll get that up soon!
Zigzag Stampede
Expect a little flirting toward the hot human looking man
Rhys is all for it!