hydration so uh, i need to figure out some strategies for actually remaining hydrated through this covid thing because as we all know, i don't gotta great track record with that
Maybe set a rotating sequence of alarms with different tones? (Like, three alarms that play every six hours, and they're all timed two hours apart?) That at least would tone down some of the irritation at the specific tune, though it won't help at all wtih the frustration of being interrupted
One alternative might be to mark the bottle on its side and say 'I need to consume this much (within a larger timescale, like a few hours)', and then set rare-er alarms for that, basically living with the bottle inconveniently beside you at all times
Sipping throughout that larger time span is the goal, but if you forget then you get a reminder to get back on track, and it's theoretically a small enough timespan that chugging the whole amount at the end will still help some
I've also noticed that if I make markings on the backs of my hands with pen (like drawn-on rings or etc) then those are effectively visual reminders to do/check something. They're low key, out of the way, wash off after a while
The drawing-on-hands thing is something I use sparingly, both because I wind up getting ink all over my face (when I rest my face on my hands) and because I tend to wash my hands frequently enough that it doesn't last ultra-long
Fair enough! One thing that might also help might be to break those markers into quantities so you can get, like, partial credit even if you don't drink the full amount?
it gives you timed reminders via a little cute water droplet that looks dehydrated if you don't drink enough and my overwhelming urge to SAVE THE LITTLE WATER DROP BUDDY kicks in every time