Restoria Feedback Form: Hello everyone! We did not receive the 10 applications we were hoping for to start the game. We need your help to decide where to go from here!
We'd like to use this form to gather feedback for now, so that your voice can be heard even if you're feeling shy or you only have time for ticky boxes!
I wanted to app but I'm still struggling with personal things and gathering mental energy to tag simply isn't there. I love the concept, I just don't think games are for me anymore.
i popped my form in but my biggest thing really was that jan was supposed to be my rest month. then it turned out to be as hectic as dec, so feb turned into my rest month instead. im just so damn tired
An OC-only game is something I'm definitely interested in and I was definitely excited, but I was way too busy among other things... I hope there's a way for this game to happen! I'll definitely fill this out though
Hello lovelies! We're glad to hear you're still interested, and thank you to everyone who has given their feedback thus far! We are solidifying a game plan, which will probably include:
- changes to app format - rolling applications - general restructuring for a cozier game!
ahh rl is way too demanding for me rn but i was hoping to app to this (even for a short term) in the summer :[ i hope it's able to get off the ground and get rolling.
im interested but was considering it for something in a few months time rather than right away. im sorry to hear the first app round stumbled. hope things go better next time!
It seems like game launches is based on timing and luck, so pick a time of year where people are more likely to be available for RP and give them enough time to establish themselves, that's a good start!
- changes to app format
- rolling applications
- general restructuring for a cozier game!
If you have yet to fill out the form, please do!