Maybe someone can help me with a problem with Photoshop Elements. Since their last update, it's not possible to move a photo around on the page before printing. You can only print in the center of the page. I'm very cranky about this because I've contacted them repeatedly and have tried everything, including but not limited to
Uninstalled and reinstalled. Adjusted every goddamn setting, period. tried printing to a different printer. Tried creating a PS document and placing the image where I want it.
This is a problem with their code, not my computer or printer.
Do you know of a good alternative to Photoshop?
I've let them control my computer remotely, followed all suggestions, and the only thing that will fix this is for PS to do a new update.
Affinity Photo is good and cross-platform. If you are on a Mac, check out Pixelmator.
Yes, Affinity Photo or Pixelmator.
okay. PC not Mac.
Affinity Photo works with Windows, and it's 50% off right now.
Affinity Photo – Professional Image Editing Software
Of course I'm not sure it will do what you want, but you can do a free trial.
There are a variety of plug-ins, brushes, and other add-ins for Affinity Photo out there, too. Some through the Affinity store, but many others through other sites. There are definite differences in how the app works, but it’s not difficult to learn.
SteveBob Άτροπος thank you. I'll check it out. And THANK YOU for not making lame suggestions like "have you tried turning it off and on again?"
I've not used the Affinity products enough to be able to recommend them, other than, "I'd sure give them a try over Adobe." I do a lot of things in pretty manual ways, and don't much notice when something which shouldn't be too hard to do within a programme, I'm ending up opening something else up to handle it.