๐ Shauntae ๐

๐ Shauntae ๐
i could have made the discord server emile goes to a pokemon server.

๐ Shauntae ๐
oh no the "mcu is modern mythology" argument is circling again. go away. and i say this as a fan of spider-man.

๐ Shauntae ๐
cloth mother disney doesn't love you.

๐ Shauntae ๐
never going to deny that my writing influences include american comics, especially weird shit like the spider-man clone saga, but also shut the fuck up mcu stans.

๐ Shauntae ๐
need to check if the sinnoh remake is happening. alan has been on pins and needles waiting to see if there will be one.

๐ Shauntae ๐
i'm the dad in the "are you winning, son?" meme but instead it's me checking in on my housemate to ask "are they remaking things, son?"

๐ Shauntae ๐
i have played ONE pokemon game.

๐ Shauntae ๐
and that was sword.

๐ Shauntae ๐
i started playing sun but got distracted. i do love rowlet, though.

๐ Shauntae ๐
and i understand the irony of talking about pokemon after venting about disney.

๐ Shauntae ๐
maximus decided he needed to chomp paper.

๐ Shauntae ๐
animals, man. animals.

๐ Shauntae ๐

๐ Shauntae ๐
Last night I had a dream that a litter of kittens got into the house and we were scrambling to catch them, but Maximus kept flopping on top of them like NOOO, MY BABIES!!!

๐ Shauntae ๐
which, honestly, he probably would do. some neutered male cats will get super protective of kittens.

๐ Shauntae ๐
the pizza we ordered for lunch was cold.

๐ Shauntae ๐
Fluffy Jiggly Japanese Pancake Recipe DEBUNKING Tast...

๐ Shauntae ๐
writing lucy is me going PLEASE SHUT UP every other minute.

๐ Shauntae ๐
the update is up. deth.

๐ Shauntae ๐
I am on a constant edge of "is my portrayal of Lucy misogynistic???"

๐ Shauntae ๐
Honest, I feel she's the kind of character some folks would try to give the "girlboss" treatment.

๐ Shauntae ๐
go a few days without practicing html and it flew from my brain.

๐ Shauntae ๐

๐ Shauntae ๐
thinking about how inlรฉ is in a walking dead rp discord and she's fucked so many old men in it.

get you some inlรฉ!!

๐ Shauntae ๐
she needs to have fun in some universe.

๐ Shauntae ๐
The speed run story keeps getting more bleak. RIP ME.