Favorite: FEH. It's the only gacha game that doesn't just feel like a straight up chore to me. Also it's dubbed in English. Least Favorite: This is a hard choice, since most other gachas I've played all fall under the "feels like a chore". Maybe KHUxDR?
If only because "little pictures that power you up and do nothing else" isn't the best incentive for pulling. Most other gatcha games had the gacha be actual characters with dialogue
I'm glad it's shifting to offline mode in a few months, so I can actually watch the story without being walled. And dress up the little avatar, that's all I cared about in that game anyway.
Least fav: uta no princesama, what the fuck is with the stamina rates you guys
least favorite: uhhh NA Magia Record ig, that was literally a scam lol
least favorite? nnnnh it's a close call and ffbe is up there in a close second, but no, I think it has to go to Monster Strike
Least Favorite: This is a hard choice, since most other gachas I've played all fall under the "feels like a chore". Maybe KHUxDR?