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Just found a new show and it is phenomenal. If Umbrella Academy is your thing, this might be, too.
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"Just" is an exaggeration. My sister and I just finished season two minutes ago, but we've also been binging it for a few days.
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Now, my sister HATES superhero bullshit. Waste of time, doesn't care about it, won't watch it, she likes things that are more believable, that reflect reality better. And she joined me half way through the first season and binged it with me. This is wow.
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I think she likes it because it's so different from most superhero productions - she also liked UA - and it spends almost no time focusing on the adventures of the heros, or their saving the city/world/galaxy.
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What this show is about is the political intrigue that surrounds the heros.
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What if - bear with me - heros were total assholes?
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And had a brand?
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Were incorporated?
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That's the premise of The Boys, which is named for the group of people going AGAINST the heros and their corporation and focuses on THEIR adventures, THEIR character arcs, all the deep corporate and political conspiracies they dive into.
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Content warning, though. It has insane amounts of gore and the occasional sex scene/nudity. The gore feels gratuitous, but that's probably because it's based on a comic book and that's how comic books are. The sex, at least, isn't overwhelming and I didn't think it felt gratuitous or unnecessary to the plot.
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Oh, and there's language. Like a LOT of it.
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But it's really really good and I can't wait for season 3 to start filming.
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The acting is top notch, too, especially since there are some AWKWARD scenes, like how did they not bust out laughing in the middle of that. It's pretty dark, has that UA feel to it a lot of the time, but there are moments in the middle of serious scenes that inject a little levity by humanizing otherwise hard, unrepentant seeming characters.
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And so much of the acting seems to come so naturally to the actors. It's really well done.
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It's on Amazon Prime Video. Go! Watch!
Wayward Haze
YES we have been wondering about this
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I think, in my wholly unprofessional opinion, that you'll love it.
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And possibly even pick up a muse or two. I'm guessing..............Maeve. Possibly Frenchie.
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I found out about it on FB. Someone shared a meme with Superman and this other Superhero looking guy and it was like 'what American history wants you to think' over SM, and 'what American history was really like' over the other guy, and I had no idea who he was, so I looked through the comics.
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Someone said it was Homelander, that he was basically Superman's evil cousin (srsly tho, the amount of paralleling is hilarious) and you're missing out if you haven't seen it.
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At first I thought 'awesome, so this show is like about the Council of Champions, good stuff, maybe it'll spark some creative inspiration,' but they are so much worse, and it REALLY blurs the line between what is a hero and what is a villain, which, let's be honest, I live for that shit.
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*looked through the comments