原來Q是住在農舍裡騎腳踏車上班 For Q’s home in London, meanwhile, Tildesley says he wanted an abode that would reflect the quartermaster’s quirky personality. “We’ve given him a house not far from Waterloo station, so that he can cycle to work,” he says. “It’s a traditional Victorian cottage that is quite cosy — a bit like Q himself.” 話說007 No Time To Die竟然第五次延期到年底了
For Q’s home in London, meanwhile, Tildesley says he wanted an abode that would reflect the quartermaster’s quirky personality. “We’ve given him a house not far from Waterloo station, so that he can cycle to work,” he says. “It’s a traditional Victorian cottage that is quite cosy — a bit like Q himself.”
話說007 No Time To Die竟然第五次延期到年底了
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搜尋Victorian cottage出現的圖
In modern usage, a cottage is usually a modest, often cosy dwelling, typically in a rural or semi-rural location.
以前在倫敦住過cottage 型的旅館,也是維多利亞時代留下來的建築XD