potato boyo
Been feeling frustrated, and finding myself getting cranky.
Sometimes Bacon
same same
Sometimes Bacon
lets make a fort and eat snacks
potato boyo
realized I'm trying to ignore the level of fatigue I have currently, and FOR SOME REASON  this isn't producing the desired results.
potato boyo
Sometimes Bacon : that is exactly what this situation calls for.
blanket fort!!! And lots of snuggles.
potato boyo
There are things I would like to be doing, but it just isn't feasible in my current state.
I'm sorry denial isn't working. :-( That's so frustrating. (cozy)
Nylon Pinkney
Time 2 chill out pots
potato boyo
totally. I'm going to drop some acid!!
potato boyo
boric acid
maybe too chill
potato boyo
(it's listed in the "inactive ingredients" of my eye drops)
Mostly Phen
I can so relate potato boyo
potato boyo : I'm sorry. Just remember, there's a difference between resiliency/tolerance and denial.
Sometimes Bacon
there's a lot of things that i want to do, fun things, but my brain and body just aren't cooperating. and that makes me feel bad, which continues the cycle.
potato boyo
Sometimes Bacon
ive got doritos
Sometimes Bacon
and they sorta fixed dbd so i can play that some
B vitamins. Mega doses. I take those when I hate everyone. Some days I pop these like candy https://images.plurk.com/7DlmrahdWo089ZyXCagzSe.jpg
potato boyo
Wen : I have several health issues that contribute to my fatigue, and so naturally I have been prescribed medication that has fatigue as a side effect.
potato boyo
the deck is somewhat stacked.
potato boyo
but this did remind me to take my vitamins
Yes, that is a conundrum. (cozy)The vitamins might help anyway.
potato boyo
btw I did sleep for a few hours but I am still foggy groggy mc hotdoggy