it's not real kathleen. i know it causes YOU a lotta stress to see fictional characters getting raped, but idk... maybe focus on something more important, like... ACTUAL RAPE and ACTUAL PEDOPHILIA? some of which you actively enable.
sometimes it feels like there should be a driver's license for using the internet. Like, I'm not in favour of censorship or restricting information access and stuff, but god. fandom stupidity has taken a level up in the last few years.
Oh God ao3 has rpf? I guess as long as rpf of people who actually are currently minors and could search themselves and find it is banned it's okay but rpf... It's so fucking creepy to find that sort of thing about yourself, to the extent that I can't do LA at all due to an incident with my image when I was a teen
Like, I find rpf pretty creepy and A/B/O is mostly head tilt as concept, but live and let live/don't like don't read has always been a proven solution for dealing with content that doesn't interest me or creeps me out
ever since I saw a take where someone write 23 year old minor i was beyond done and i'm like why rope a/b/o in that it has a category too LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE and i wish WISH that it was just the internet but after meeting these kind of people in college i have no more patience anymore
two canon adult characters get called minors which makes no sense at all these campaigns to protect lines and ink makes me shake my head like Deku is gonna come to life and say thank you
I saw someone saying that the test AO3 gives you when you apply to volunteer is specifically designed to screen for people who are going to try to abuse the position like this.
re: ffnet, people do still use it! it apparently has a bigger archive (for now) and more interaction for the older fandoms, from before ao3 grew to the size it is
.....this is why tags exist, to WARN of those things. God I hate people. I don't mind those topics if they're not blatantly obvious shock value things and drive an aspect of a character's trauma
sometimes I kind of want to use ff-net for my KH fics because I get way more response there, but it is so much effort to deal with formatting my stuff for ff-net
more likely, I'll just pick all my stuff from there, transfer to Ao3 finally and just leave a giant notice like To Be Found Here with just the user name instead of a link in the profile
I mean, if you try to volunteer to explicitly undermine the stated purpose of a group, you will summarily be un-volunteered, so I really don't know what they think this would accomplish
And that was in DIRECT response to oppressive censorship of vulnerable people instigated by purity culture groups that scared website shareholders about their profit margins suffering
Yeah, like, I also disagree with RPF fics of underage people, even consensual ones, because...people sexual content of real life minors bothers me, EVEN IF the people creating it are themselves minors
But I would say that's something that needs to be folded into "do not make sexual content of real life minors, ESPECIALLY without their consent which they can never give anyway because they are MINORS" legislation, not something to tackle website by website
"You know that tag is illegal right?" Some 16 year old tells me. I was like "You can argue it's immoral if you'd like, but legality depends on location and there's a reason the FBI has looked into A03 multiple times and let them stay up."
(I personally am not comfortable with RPF in general, but I feel like making actual laws against making sexual content centered around adults is more of a grey area and I'm not sure I'm willing to advocate going that far)
(I'm certainly not willing to advocate going that far when I acknowledge that it's not my thing, I don't understand it that well, and I know I am personally biased against it - always be as aware as possible of your biases, kids)
I've heard some very interesting thoughts from people who understand RPF better than I do about how it can actually make a lot of sense when you factor things like kayfabe and idol personalities into it - when real people are deliberately acting out personas in public, sometimes even deliberately teasing shipping of these essentially fictional personas
I like RPF the way I like certain questionable as hell kinks involving youthful animu ppl (which I don't) , but will I defend them to protect my own rights to write whatever the fuck I like? Yes.
And then people ship what is already an essentially fictionalized version of a real person, after those personas have basically baited them with shipping material on purpose
So it's like...there are some interesting grey areas possible in RPF that makes me hesitant to advocate any sweeping legal bans that don't take those kinds of complexities into account
It's only when it comes to real life children that I'm like "okay, there should be some legal precedent about making non-consensual sexual content about them here"
Like I tweeted yesterday I dislike the people crusading against them way more than I dislike the people who want to like have Kakashi bone Naruto or whatever.
So what these people should do is write their senators/congressmen about introducing a law against creating even fictional sexual content of real life children, because that really can have real world harmful effects that, say, your Kakashi/Naruto fanfiction isn't going to
the problem with having politics get involved is that they can make things worse for those they want to protect due to either vague wording or too restrictive wording but yeah we tell them and they just 'lalalalaa' and don't listen
don't walk into the pitbull friendly dog park made by pitbull parents who were tired of getting kicked out of other dog parks and complain about pitbulls being there
a part of me does wonder about proper legislation, because it could very easily be used for fucky reasons that don't actually help - see SESTA and everything else that's screwing over sex workers, or sexual content on websites, etc
and this is why ao3 and the otw have legal teams who do actual legal and advocacy work, so that people don't try and handle complex matters with the legal equivalent of a blowtorch
one thing to remember is that it's always possible to pull back laws like these, it's been done before and can be done again if someone tries to overstep
some of which you actively enable.i don't like RPF but... hey live and let live.